Thank you friends!

Day 2,660, 11:56 Published in Japan Slovakia by Blackwood.285

Australia lost..
Australia fell into dictatorship against spanish and polish irregular forces..


Thank you Japan!

I want to thank all of our allies who fought for us, Japan did some good damage for Australian Democracy and I'm happy to be here, but sad because Australia is not the same anymore.

HAIL friends and allies who helped
HAIL our closest allies

I want to ask Plato some questions:

Is this what you wanted?

Is this the game you was dreaming about several years ago?

Making PTO legal is the way?

You made a module, which is not so bad in mind, now the countries can decide through civil war which side of the country should govern. For bigger countries this could be good, but you just dug the graves for smaller ones.


Why did you add DICTATORSHIP? Why not only government impeach through military force?

Why couldn't you make it CITIZENSHIP ONLY?

I'm curious.

Check out my friends article too: