TGN - The True Story Behind the Government

Day 2,422, 16:32 Published in Japan Japan by Sinon

Hi everyone!

A few hours ago I asked in the discussion-thread for the opposition if it was possible to discuss an NAP with eUSA and see if we could get a better offer from them than what the current coalition (DNP, TLS and CTG) received (and unfortunately accepted) from eRoC last month.
Does this sound familiar to you?

However what I learned was something really unfortunate; according to what I have been informed, eRoC and eUSA has an NAP which includes splitting eJapan between them and helping each other in keeping those regions.

Basicly what this means is that the current coalition not only humiliated us by signing that NAP with eRoC, but they are constantly trying to fight against eUSA while they are backed up by eRoC. So eRoC is indirectly still at war with us, though it's a one-sided war as we cannot attack eRoC due to the NAP.

I must ask you all. Is this really ok with you? Our country's current leaders have for months promised us support from eSerbia and eHungary, which they recently claimed that "wasn't what they expected". Not only that, but they also humiliated the entire eJapan with a NAP that basicly said "Screw you eJapan, cuz we are your true leaders -signed eRoC", while it also denied us any possibility of signing MPPs with possible allies. On top of that we have the information mentioned above. This is what the current coalition has achieved. False hope, more or less no foreign support, humiliation of eJapan and no chance of regaining any territory.

Now I just wonder what the next will be. So far I haven't been anything but disappointed and my bonds with the opposition and my determination to overthrow the current coalition just grows stronger and stronger.

If you disagree with the current coalition as well, then join the opposition today! The SSG is recruiting new members to both the MU and the party!

The Shinsengumi will lead the way to a better eJapan!

Best regards,