Running to Congress

Day 704, 12:48 Published in Singapore Finland by Potaatti
Do you want change? Do you want new faces to congress? If you do, vote Potaatti.

Someone might know me, but someone might not. My eName is Potaatti, and I come from arctic place named eFinland. In eFinland I were:

2x Ambassador to ePoland
1x Ambassador to eCanada
3x Lulz Minister little helper
3x Congressman
1x Red Jihad (Party) messenger
1x Red Jihad party president
1x HTJ Pedokrats Leader (army)

It proves that I have lots of experience. I came here, because I heard Tewio's call. Erius, came one night, and told, that our holy land eSingapore waits, and we should move to there and help it citizens.

I proved my loyalty to Tewio and travelled to eSingapore, where my new eLife would begun. Now in eSingapore I'm:

1x Minister of Fun
1x Ambassador to eAustralia
1x Ambassador to eFinland
1x Ambassador to eSweden

Its time to take big step again in my eLife, and try to eSingapore Congress!

So why would you vote me?

- I have lot of experience almost everything.
- Im pretty active, but sometimes I will be gone few days (pretty rarely).
- I have some Ideas also, here is one of them:

We need more citizens to our IRC channel, and how to get them is big problem. Because, its always better that country have active population on IRC.

- Maybe we should try to post some guide witch tells how to use IRC
- Bingo in Irc 😃?

Fight with honour! Fight for Tewio! Never give up!