Rubaiyat of Congressional Elections - November

Day 2,562, 09:12 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

November (Mandatory listening)
Day 2562 of the New World
25 November, 2014

Once in a while I like to toss out a few lines of eRep-related Poetry... mostly just to entertain myself.

For example:
A Poem I wrote celebrating another victory over Ajay
Hilarious Poem I wrote in exchange for a single vote in a Congressional election

Today I was feeling mood-bolstered because I have a shot at making it into Congress again, so you get this:

Behold the storied Parties, five
From whom all voters must derive
A crowd for congress which will strive
To pass an effing budget sometime before the effing term is up.

First up, the Feds, they’re H & P
They publish most incessantly
Strong leaders, they will mostly be
So even though ViKy KC doesn’t like me, I can’t find a good reason to not vote Fed.

Next up, my group, I must remind
Success is how we’re all inclined
Led by our evil mastermind
I’d advise you all to vote for the United States Workers Party as the best option.

The Party ranking next, I see
The one that’s filled with “People”, “We”
The only one with Acid Z
And if they’d ranked Franklin Stone a little higher I would have been rooting for their success.

What’s this? The AMP. They’re still alive
‘Cause Stevens’s gonna make them thrive
Experienced players, they’ll all strive
For more greeling

Black Sheep, they are, and proudly so
Though here because of PTO
And here comes Arrden, grumpy bro
But at least we get four more weeks of What4 because he’s awesome.

That rounds them out. So voters heed
This last advice, my “eRep Creed”:
Whatever Party takes the lead,
Force your Congressmen to remain active, publish some news, and prepare yourself to run next month!

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