Day 825, 09:16 Published in Norway Norway by Immigrasjonsverket

Immigrasjonsverket presents...


This is your chance to win. "Win what?" you say? Well, that is a surprise!

The winner win receive a surprise packet, won't say what it is, just make sure you have some room in your inventory.

In addition there will be prizes for second through tenth place.

Also, this quiz is open for everyone!

1. Which European city was the first to get traffic-lights?

2. What is the most common name for the substance NaCl?

3. What star shines the brightest on the night sky?

4. Name the countries the eRepublik alliance EDEN consist of?

5. Which movie is this quote from? "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers!"

6. From where does the expression "spam" originate?

Send your answers to Immigrasjonsverket. Mark your message with "QUIZ" in the subject.

The winner will be randomly selected from the ones with the most correct answers and announced on Sunday the 28th.

Good luck!

Minister of Immigration - Endymionis
Vice Minister of Immigration - Brekkjern