On the Secret Tax Hike

Day 2,529, 07:10 Published in USA USA by J.A. Lake

On the Secret Tax Hike

Hello, Comrades:

Why did the Socialist Freedom Party vote against the tax hike?

The methodology used by the parties that passed this law run counter to our beliefs as a Party. Unanimously we believe that any law effecting the entirety of the American people should be debated within the sight of the people. The two threads, heavily redacted, only made it to public discussion a day after the law was proposed in-game and at that point an hour after the vote was finished. The People were not given a chance to weigh in until after the taxes were raised and the issue was moot.

"Why does it matter"? I am asked. "Why do the peoples' opinions matter? They don't know enough to act in their own interest! They are profiteers and only want money, whereas I am acting in the good of the eCountry!"

"Give us more money instead."

This is the argument presented.

First is the fallacy that a democratically elected government can be anything but populist, especially in this game. The idea that the People, who elect the Congress, have no say in Government because they are only looking out for their own interests is absurd to say the least. Congress forgets, they only have any power because it is endowed in them by the popular vote.

Next we must face the idea that we are under an extraordinary threat in the wake of Argentina's assault on Mexico, one that necessitates a secret tax hike driven through Congress with utmost legal haste. This argument is dubious at best given that we are constantly beset by powerful "enemies" in Europe, South America, and Asia.

I know myself and several of my comrades in the Socialist Freedom Party are stepping out of Congress for this transgression, and urge any current Congressman who respects the ideal of democracy and respect for the will of the People to do the same. As a Congress, we have failed to do our duty and represent those who elected us.

Indeed, I put forward that Congress is becoming disconnected from those who elect it. I urge the American People to remind them of this fact at the polls.

This brings us to the logical crux of this issue: political parties are too entrenched in the eUSA. Their large member counts grant them relative immunity to bad policy decisions, and thus grant them relative immunity to the will of the People.

To combat this, we must create new parties with new ideals, and fragment the old ones, scattering their pieces to the winds. Why compromise your ideas? Find like-minded people and pitch in for the relatively minor cost of 40 gold to create a new party to challenge these aging behemoths.

Long ago I was asked, "What is your proposal for changing e-America?"

This is it. Upend the system, create a multitude of political parties with new and widely diverse ideas, and through the process of social Darwinism we will see the best ideas survive the crucible of public opinion and a new Government emerge. The process will be chaotic, for certain, but chaos will breed the next stage of society.

You see, the truth is that if I sat here and wrote an essay on how a new Government could be built, I would be no better than the elites currently telling you where to vote, how, and for whom. I would be no better than the people who pushed through a secret tax hike law and prayed the People wouldn't notice until it passed. Indeed, the most socialistic approach to a new government would not be to put the focus one person's input- the very definition of autocracy- but on the input of all the People, for the People ARE the game.

I'll leave you with this, and I'll see you in the comments section.

Thanks for reading, comrades, and have a revolutionary day.