Day 2,949, 07:20 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Legendardisch

Recently there has been a debate on the forums about replacing the current DAF Commander, Weekstrom, but he has denied the wishes of the legitmate president due to reasons like making the MU political.

On the feed theres a small storm brewing and I would like to say a few things

1: DAF is a State MU
2: The MoD and CP are the boss above the Commander
3: If the CP wants to replace the commander, that is in his right
4: Claiming that this way the STATE MU will be POLITICAL is wrong
5: You as commander refusing to follow orders and make a sh*tshow out of it ALREADY MAKES IS POLITICAL

in short, Weekstrom is the one who made DAF political.
If you are told to do something by your superior then you do it, you have nothing to demand from him. Weekstrom was good once but he has on multiple occasions not followed orders, that makes him unfit for this position, how hard that may be to understand.

So no, dont leave DAF, because DAF is not made by Weekstrom.