Is eAmerica ready for changes?

Day 1,618, 11:39 Published in USA Philippines by Nuclear Mrle1982

Dear compatriots,

I speak to you today to present you a new idea, a new plan for our community which has for a long time fallen into a kind of apathy. For me as eAmerican, and I believe for most of you is absolutely unacceptable that our nation is tapping in place to satisfy the fact that all the resources we have in our possession and our government does nothing to make our play more interesting. As an eAmerican it is hard for me to watch our self-appointed allies as they are just using eAmerica to get benefits and bonuses for themselves. I do not want to let them do that!

The party of which I am a member stands for change in American society,crystallization allies relations to us and why not, changing the allies. Our great nation, known in the real world as righteous does not deserve such treatment, and I believe we have the power to show that we are worth much more value than how we are treated now. I do not want to watch America that meets the current situation, I want America in Europe and Europe in America. We need to change those who do not want to carry out the reform of our society and who are afraid to make a decisive step!

We're ready for talks with all those who wish to enter into negotiations with us, but immediately let everyone know that we are the ones that set the conditions. Our great people in real life wouldn’t have gotten to the moon if they had been satisfied with their standards and with what they had, but they sought further and better.

So I invite you to join this party which I am a member and to bravely with huge steps start to write a new eAmerican history. All who have the will to change things are welcome!

Sincerely yours,