Happy New Year 2015

Day 2,598, 01:55 Published in New Zealand Chile by President of the eNew Zealand

Good evening.
Tonight, as eNew Zealanders across the country gather with family and friends, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.
This is always a hopeful time, as we celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another. And while 2014 was difficult for many eNew Zealanders, we must also look back on this year with the knowledge that brighter days are ahead of us – that although our challenges are great, each of us has the courage and determination to rise up and meet them.
It is that spirit that has kept the dream alive for generations, and it is that spirit that will keep it alive for generations to come. Happy New Year, everyone.

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Сретна нова година свима, желим вам све најбоље у новој 2015.

Првих 21 грађана који оставе коментар добијају као новогодишњи поклон Кућу К1 квалитета (Важи само за граћане са Новозеландским држављанством).