Guerrilla fight reset option

Day 2,615, 08:34 Published in Serbia North Macedonia by Lionh3arT

I was thinking about adding some new item which will make this game more interesting , and i came up with idea about resetting guerrilla fight.

Most of the eRepublik players , when Plato added guerrilla fight in the game , were low skilled and didn't know how to fight , which leaded to bad scores , and the other ones who were in a some way more skilled , gained more damage while fighting (1,2, etc. ). Because of this , most of the players stopped playing guerrilla fight and the situation is not changed for a long time.

I have an advice for Plato , if he can add new item , which will cost around 50-100 gold , and after you buy it your guerrilla fight score will be back to 0 wins 0 loss.

Or he can also add item for bonus guerrilla fight damage (+1,2) which will also cost 50-100 gold, depends on the bonus damage, which will last for example X fights, X defeats or 1 month (you can buy 1 item once in a month) !
P.S. Combinations of bonuses are not allowed , you gain your bonus by fighting guerrilla , or buying with gold.
Exceptions will be made only if you have 1 bonus damage , you can buy +1 bonus damage(if you have 1 bonus damage , you cant buy +2 bonus damage)!

I think it is fair option for all of the players which have made bad scores on the start , to motivate them playing guerrilla fight once again!

I hope you like my idea , so comment , vote and shout, + Endorse ! 😃