Freedom of Press is absolute, but... [Bahasa Kok =)]

Day 731, 02:08 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by vrya

Gw bikin artikel ini karena ada salah satu citizen yang ngomong, "Admin gag pernah ngelarang Media eRepublik diisi dengan berita Real".

Ok, gw akui ga ada larangan langsung pada Peraturan Intinya (eRepublik Laws), tapi ada tambahan peraturan seiring berkembangnya eRepublik.

Salah satu contoh mudahnya adalah larangan menggunakan direct link menuju fight.
Selain itu ada juga disitu:

Spam is .... being seen.

The following actions ARE considered spamming:
* posting comments which are not related to the conversation;
* posting articles or topics of real world events not directly related to eRepublik;
* multiple posting of topics or comments in a short period of time, and publishing duplicate articles;
* posting material that is not authored by the publisher himself or herself;
* posting of articles of irrelevant nature that are flooding the news module (for example: Playboy-like articles);
* posting article and article comments in order to advertise products or companies.

The following actions ARE NOT considered spamming:
* posting articles in a language that is different from the language of the country in which the article is published;
* creating content which contains poems, humor, jokes or irony, as long as the content is respecting the other eRepublik Laws.

Sumber: Wiki Erepublik

Jelaskan kalo admin telah melarang berita-berita Real di Media eRepublik ?

Semoga berita ini bermanfaat bagi kalian yang belum tahu 😃
Selamat menulis 🙂