Et vive l'Hongrie!

Day 945, 06:01 Published in France Italy by Nicola-A1

Je suis un libre penseur, ça n'est pas la position officielle du governement eitalien, mais beaoucoup d'italiens pensent plus o moin ça

Italy 2 months ago:
give RA to italy, please
France, 2 months ago:

hungary one week ago:
give RA to us
France one week ago:
oh yeah, fantastic idea!!!111
Italy one week ago:
they will not give you back so easily
France one week ago:
you, italian pussy, are wrong!111

Hungary now:
we dont give you back RA so easily
France now:
Oh nooooooooooooooooooes why why why (crying as always)
Italy now:
I told you, and now I laugh about it 😉

et voilà! Pour mieux comprir, lisez encore une fois

puis ça 😉