eRepublik basics -Part 3-

Day 2,643, 12:01 Published in Norway Norway by Immigrasjonsverket

Hello guys! I am going to continue these series. I am a real noob to say the truth, because I had the password for the org but I always entered one character in a wrong way. But hey, I am a human.

So Its long since my last article. What am I waiting for?
I will beginn this month introducing you the marketplace.

The first menu point you'll see is going to be marketplace. Click on it.

Now you see this.
So what are all this things?
I'll go through from left to right.

First thing you see is food. You need it to be alive, and restore your health. The prices are variing between the different qualities. Pay attention to the prices. Mostly it is cheaper to buy high quality food, as it restores more health.

The second thing you see are weapons. They are used to infilict damage against the enemies on the battlefield. Here you got to pay attention to the price and the damage that can be done by the weapon. Here it is better to buy high quality weapons, as they make more damage and can be used more often.

The third you see are moving tickets. Thre are only 5 different qualities of them, and they can't be produced only won by doing the weekly challange.

Fourth: Houses. They are used for having more recoverable energy, and to have the possibility to work overtime. They give you 1 overtime ticket an hour, that means you can work overtime 1 times every 24 hours.

Fifth, sith, seventh. Those are raw materials. You won't need them probably at a low level. They are used to build houses, make food and make weapons.

Eighth, ninth. Hospital and Defence System. They aren't used no more, and they could be only bought by the government. These are features which remained from previouse versions of this game.

And finaly the tenth, the company market. Heere you can buy companies from other players.

Here we closed the marketplacee as theme. What is next? Yes. Let's get discover something about gold.

There are few ways to get gold.
-Getting medals (most of them give 5 gold, see the previous article for more precision)
-Inviting friends to game with you referrer code
-Buying gold for currency on the monetary market
-Investing real life money into the game
-Raising to a new Experience Level

What can it be used for?
-Upgrading companies and Training Ground
-Making a newspaper
-Making Party or Military Unit
-Using the training grounds which need golds to use

This part will be longer than usual, but this one is even very important. Let us see the country informations together.

Click on the flag behind your name. Got it?

If you are located in norway you will see this. This part is just for changing between the different country infoormations. If you don't see the norwegian one, just click on the arrow and choose the one with the norwegian flag.
Btw. Here you can see in which alliance we are, and you can accces the alliance page.

This is the society tab. Here you can see how many citizens are still active, how many people want to apply for citizenship in the country, the new born citizens and the people who are online at this moment, but this tab does not always offer true information. Oh and the avarege citizen level. It's just a statistic thing which is there to show: Hah, here in this country there are way too much div1 citizens.

Here you can see our actual regions. The icon at the side is the freedom determination influence. But I actualy don't understand why it is still there if our regions are free, must be a bug.

This is a nice one. Here you will see the economy tab.

Thats the upper part of it. If you are above level 25 you can donate money, gold, food (energy)
Here you can see the tax revenue too. The tax revenue is about us to give money to our conquerors because of the conquered regions.
If we was conquerors, and not people who fight to keep their own regions you would see the tax revenue from other countries. Just an example: Hungary's tax revenue

As you see, the biggest part of the taxes come from the mother country (well, again hungary is not the best example as it has a big population)

The second part of this tab is about the resources of the regions owned by the country.
Regions with a trade route: Regions which are bordering the actual capital of the country, because resource bonusses are only gained if there is a transport route to the capital of the country.
Regions without a trading route: those are the regions that are "cutten off" from the rest of the country, their resources don't have bonus effects on the productivity.

In the under part of this picture you would see trade embargoes. Thosee are mostly very inutile. They just don't let players from XY country sell goods in your country.

And we came here to the end of this tab. Here you can view the taxees on all kind off goods, and the working tax, that means if you produce them by yourself or work in a company which produce them, the country will receive this percentuality of it.

In the end you seee the avarege salary of norway and the minimal salary. Norway has a very low one, as it does not have many resource bonuses. The salary is always depending of the resources in a country.

Now we come to the politics part. This is very short in confront to the last two.

Here you can see the president, and his cabinet. The ministries itself are selfexplaining, they do more or less the same things as in real life.
In the lower part of this image you have an "election results" button for the congress. There you can view the results of the last election(s).

Do you want the total war? Here you can see the military tab.

The first thing you see is the natural enemy. It is explained well, just look there.

The second thing you see is the defence shield. It is used in direct battles by the defender.

In the third part of this tab, you can see the airstrike part. Here you can donate currency or food to start an airstrike. An airstrike is an attack against a country with which you do not have any borders.

Active Wars in Norway. Actualy, those are not our direct battles but indirect battles where we fight for our allies. That means, those are our allies active wars.

Resistance wars in Norway. From here you could see actual RWs (Resistance wars).

Mutual Protecction Pacts (MPPs)
Here you can see our allied nations. Having an MPP with an other nation is being alied with that nation.

Our journey is getting to an end, we got to the Administration part of the country.

This section is mostly for the country president and the congress. Here the congress or the president can propose donations, MPPs, changing taxes, airstrikes, Natural Enemy (NE), etc.

If you click here on details

You will see who made the proposal, how many votes were made so it was acccepted/rejected and more detailed infos about this action.

Have a nice game and a nice sunday!