eIreland, eTurkey, Congress and Foreign Policy

Day 1,652, 02:23 Published in USA India by Satya Yuga

In the following article, Threat made to Irish Congressman, Irish Congressman New Faustian Man decides to initiate communication where, making it clear he is a new member of Congress, makes his desires known that he would be interested in seeing a proposal made regarding an alliance between eIreland and eTurkey.

In response to this, instead of the CP of eTurkey initiating discussions with the CP of eIreland, he makes a proposal directly to the Congress of eIreland. In response to this, tempers flare up.

Was the Congressman doing anything improper in initiating said communications? Was the CP of eTurkey doing anything improper in submitting a proposal directly to Congress, without first discussing the issue with the CP of eIreland? I don't think so.

The eUS has had similar issues with the idea of who can involve themselves with discussions regarding foreign policy. Whenever any discussion regarding foreign policy has been desired by members of Congress, they have quickly been quashed, with the reasoning that foreign policy issues are the sole responsibility of the Executive and that it is the role of Congress to act as a "rubber stamp" in how they cast their vote per a pre-approved list created by the Executive. Considering that Congress was given the ability to vote to approve MPP and Natural Enemy proposals, I have to disagree that this was the intent of eRep Labs.

In response to this, it has been pointed out that the only reason that Congress gets to vote on such issues is due to the expense involved -- therefore it is only as a budgetary decision that they get to cast their vote.

When I've brought up the concept of Separation of Powers acting as a check by one branch of government on the other, players who disagree basically put their fingers in their ears and yelled as loud as they can, this isn't RL.

This misses the point that the design of the Political Module in this game was inspired by real life political theory and that "on it's face" eRep Labs granting Congress the ability to cast their votes on Natural Enemy and MPP proposals gives them a de facto voice where foreign policy issues are concerned.

This was further supported with the eChile and eBulgaria issues. When Congress felt that the Executive was wrong in its decisions regarding eChile and eBulgaria, they quickly spoke up. If the Legislature truly felt that foreign policy issues were outside of its jurisdiction, they would have kept silent and have let the Executive handle things internally.

But, in the spirt of separation and powers and checks and balances, they let their displeasure be known and used their powers in an attempt at impeachment.

Part of the freedom in playing this game, is the freedom to communicate with other players, as long as said communication doesn't violate the Terms of Service as dictated by eRep Labs.

If the CP of another country chooses to act upon receiving said communication and use his powers to submit a proposal, so be it. Congress has the freedom to use its powers to approve or deny said proposal. If you don't like the proposal, vote "No" on it, but don't troll, bully, or harrass another player because they decided to exercise their freedom to play this game as they decided best fit their style of gameplay.