Dosežek 25 komentarjev/Achievement 25 comments

Day 4,499, 03:14 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Abhorsen0

Dosežek napiše 3 članke in pridobi 25 komentarjev je lahko kar lep iziv/Achievement write 3 articles that receive comments from 25 different users can be kuat nice challenge.

zakaj je pridobitev 25 komentarjev različnih ljudi lahko izziv? Preprosto, ker ni iziv skopirati od nekoga nek članek ampak se moraš potruditi in spisati članek z svojimi besedami.

Why getting 25 comments from different people can be a challenge? Simply because it is not a good idea to copy an article from someone but you have to try and write the article in your own words.

Vsebovati mora seveda nekaj slik, primer:

It should, of course, contain some pictures, for example:

In seveda za na konec kak vic, ki so ga prebrali že 1000 krat in ga bodo še 1x.
And of course, in the end, a joke that has been read 100 times and will continue.

I was sitting on the toilet, exhausted, and late for work. I thought, "Idon't have time for this shit" 🙂

Obstaja tudi opcija, ki se je večina poslužuje in to je ponudiš: tanke, denar, zlato, material.

There is also the third option that most people use and that is what you offer: tanks, money, gold, material.

Hvala za vsak komentat saj vsak šteje 😉
Thanks for every comment becouse everyone singel one counts 😉