Do something! [ePece]

Day 2,104, 05:51 Published in Philippines Ukraine by GottaGo

Greetings my fellow Philippines.

I'll be short with my article, I just want to raise my voice.
Even thou I am not a RL Pino whenever I live in some country I feel it as my own and want whats best for it.
I need to raise my voice about two things:
1. The war with Pakistan and our regions
2. The congress elections

I was surprised by the silence from the government about my first point. You need to speak something, say that you care, or you don't care, whatever.
Do something!
We will loan some land to Pakistan, how many, for how much? You need to wrote an article about it, let the people know.
Do something!

I just been told that we were not asked about this question and if I want to know something more about it I should ask Pakistan or China.
Write about it, just Do something!

If China is getting money for our regions, we need to raise our voice, tell that we are here
Do something!

If we do not agree with this agreement we need to Do something!
My point is, just Do something! don't be silent.

The second point is the Congress Elections, after some time Philippines has a chance to have a congress and to use this game as it supposed to.
My advice to you is Vote wise, this is an important role in this game, so you need to choose people that will be worthy of the part.

So Do something! nice for you and for your country, Vote Wisely

Best regards,