Death of Democracy, the Beginning of the End

Day 2,364, 15:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by K to the izza Mo Fo

Well fellow eUK'ers today is a sad state of affairs for the whole political spectrum from left to right to anarchists. Today we witness the death of democracy in our countries second largest political party, formerly known as New Era.

You can see from the above images that although there are a few candidates running and I will admit that they might not be credible, the current PP has decided to rename the party to direct votes towards himself instead of democratically campaigning like others do.

They promote themselves as a diverse free thinking party but yet don't allow members to make there own minds up for elections unbiasedly, where is the diversity and free thinking there?

Now as I said some people running for the formerly New Era PP may not be long term members of the party but does the former NE leadership have any defence when they have sent their own members to other parties to run for presidency there.

Winston is the commander of New Era's affiliated MU and a big time vocal NE supporter yet he came to PCP to run as PP with some of his friends to undemocratically PTO us.

As I said it's a sad day of affairs for our country as once more the former New Era is linked to controversial policies and tactics. Come Election Day we can only hope that they vote for a PP with the well being of the eUK in mind.