Citizen for Unity

Day 693, 10:09 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Binnenlandse Za

A while ago, Mark Decius started a project called Citizen for Unity. The purpose of this project is to bring people toether to discuss about our union, analyse its problems and propose ideas to make our union better. More information is given in Mark's orginal article here.

Step 1 (analyzing the current situation) was finished yesterday, step 2 (find solutions) just started.

The Ministry of Home Affairs supports this project and would like to invite even more people to have their say in this discussion. To do so, just join the national forum (you can get a 20 NLG registration fee if you're new and citizen of our nation), go to your user panel, then click on user groups, and ask to join the "Citizen for Unity" group (and UNL Citizen if it hadn't already been done). This will give you posting rights in the Citizen for Unity subforum.

We would love to hear your ideas !

Ministre of Home Affairs