Chrismast recipe: "Swiss cheese tomato pie"

Day 2,952, 04:12 Published in Switzerland Israel by Black Coyote

Christmas is coming. Its time for us to settle down with our families, have a dinner together, open a bottle of wine and simply enjoy the Christmas spirit.

-What should I cook?

Simple, go with the excellent Swiss cheese tomato pie that has been on our ancestors menu for generations. Just thinking about it makes my tummy anxious 🙂


For the pizza-like dough you will nee😛
- 500 g flour
- 200 g butter
-160 ml water
-1 egg
-and a pinch of salt
For the stuffing you will nee😛
- 1 shallot
-1 sprig thyme
-1 sprig rosemary
-5 large beefsteak tomatoes (atleast 450 g each)
-1 knob of butter(I put around 2 teaspoons)
- 400 g of our traditional Appenzeller cheese
-1 egg
Additional needs:
-Butter for greasing
-I use a rectangular pan of 21x25 centimeters

How to make the dough:
Make a well in the flour and mix into the well the butter, water, egg and salt together. Knead little by little,add the flour and knead until you get a smooth dough. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let it rest for about 30 minutes in the refrigerator. After that roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 millimeters. Grease the pan and cover nicely the pan with the dough.Cut any leftovers from the dough.With a fork make a lot of holes evenly, on the buttom of the dough.
How to make the stuffing:
Peel and chop the shallot. Rip the leaves of the thyme and rosemary and chop them. Cut 2 tomatoes into small cubes, keep the other 3 tomatoes for the topping. Heat the butter in a pan. Fry the thyme and rosemary, add the tomatoe cubes and cook for approximately 10 minutes. Let the tomatoes cool and drain. Preheat the oven to 180 ºC. Grate the Appenzeller. Mix the egg and Appenzeller with the tomatoe cubes,thyme and rosemary and spread the filling over the bottom of the dough. Cut the 3 tomatoes into slices and arrange the slices in overlapping fashion over the tart. Bake the tart for about 45 minutes.

Its easy to make, its delicious, its mmm… 😃
En Guete! 🙂