Canada, Rants and Balling Out of Control

Day 2,385, 18:46 Published in USA USA by PilotPhil

How Canada got it's name:

No one could decide what to call it, finally they put all the letters in a bag and just started pulling them out...

"C" eh, "N" eh, "D" eh...

For the last few days I have been slogging my weary and bloody body all over Canada. The folks in charge of the eUS and eCanada have seen fit to finally bring a long overdue end to an ill-conceived war and try not to kill each other for a bit. That’s good. Along with a number of my Comrades at The Socialist Freedom Party and The Bear Cavalry we have sponsored and fought in quite a few resistance wars to help right some wrongs and get Canada back it’s country. We have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, eaten way too many tasteless rations, used up lots of tanks and blown up countless rockets, bazookas and bombs. We all got some nifty Resistance Hero medals so that was cool, but it was secondary to why we were there. This is what we do, we fight for the freedom of others. We fight for those that refuse to live under the thumb of oppression, even when that oppressor is our own country. We do what we know is right and just even when it isn’t popular. This little vixen appreciated her “liberation” quite a bit as a matter of fact…

In some folks eyes we went a little to far when we helped liberate Quebec. Apparently there were some handshake agreements about the US hanging on to Quebec for a while until we found some other smaller, weaker nation to oppress for their resources instead. This brings me to my first rant…


Seriously, did anyone in the administration think that after a dozen or so rollover resistance wars everyone was just going to stop? Tell us all that it’s OK to go moose hunting all over that frigid waste but expect us to stop before the job was done? A quick article laying out the plan to the rest of us plebes would have been nice. We could have taken a little break, done some curling,

hung out with the locals a bit,

or even caught a game.

Anyway, what is done is done and Canada is whole again… Except now for New Brunswick which we are attacking? Another agreement us commoners know nothing about? Does peace between our countries mean we just kill each other a little? How about a little communication from the top?

Rant number two:


Honestly, the vote wasn’t even as close this time as last time that congress failed us! No one is asking for a free ride here. I am not asking to pay nothing to live in this country that lets me speak my mind without being thrown in the gulag. We all just want a little bit of a break. Apparently this country was running on five percent or so when we decided we needed $10 million in the bank in case we got invaded. We have that now, unless it has been embezzled in the last few days. I am OK with building that up a bit more, let it grow to protect our homeland and keep our borders secure. How about we just drop the tax a little. We can’t get by with two percent less? As I so eloquently said in a previous article, Bullsh*t!!!

Look, there is only one thing to spend money on in this world and its war. I can’t go spend my eRep money on a new boat,

or hookers or blow or anything else! If there was a “ball out of control” module (Plato?) then this argument fails, but there isn’t! I can only spend it on tanks and food. There is no doubt in my mind that as much as many of us rail on about the government, if we get attacked every eUS citizen is a patriot and will fight tooth and nail to defend this great land. We will spend our money in the only store in town and buy tanks and rockets and blast away. Let me have my money and I will fight harder for the country that let me keep it.

Rant three:


Nope. Every article in the last two days has been about that and the story is tired. Some people did some stuff and some people did some other stuff and we got kicked out or quit or whatever and that’s that. I am over it.

OK, rants over. My last order of business is the upcoming CP election. As much as I bitch about the government Molly has done a pretty bang-up job considering the sh*t sandwich she was handed when she took over. That being said I am ready for a fresh start and this is the guy to do it. Listen to what he has to say and remember to vote on the 5th!

John Largo