Battle for Wexford(Supplies) + Ireland Recovery Steps

Day 1,785, 10:58 Published in Ireland Canada by Aries Prime

In case you all haven't heard the UK has scraped the treaty and decided do go back to original regions which can be viewed here.

What this means is we now need to make a coordinated effort to regain Wexford so that we are fully united again and we don't have to worry about the UK troubling us while we are busy fighting our current financial and security issues. I am currently working with the other Irish Suppliers who still have supplies left over to see if we can pool together our resources so that we can fund the battle for Wexford. There will be an update on that soon so please check #eire.military throughout the day.

Now for Ireland's recovery a few key components will need to be instated by the government which I have seen good effort so far to enact but I will state my steps anyway.

1. Evaluate the Treasury

Unfortunately this is a one man process which seems to be only resolved by the work of DreadedEstate. We are quite literally all waiting on his assessment. This key part of information is crucial to the next few steps.

2. Resolve UK Treaty

Fortunately this situation was resolved while I was writing the article and the path it has taken was exactly what I would have advised, we cut back to original regions while maintaining peace. Clearly we are in no position to fight the UK in any manner while we are dealing with domestic issues so the return of original regions is key to ending any hostilities we may have with the UK. I am glad we are on the right track with this issue and I expect us to be able to maintain peaceful relations with the UK but regaining Wexford is key to this process. Again check #eire.military for updates on supplies.

3. Reinstate the Supply System (+Bootcamp)

I may have some personal bias on this issue because I work as a supplier but I feel just working as a supplier has shown me just how important this government program is to the success of Ireland.

Let me break it down for you: The government taxes citizens through income taxes as well as VAT taxes on food and also receives income from trading. We in turn use that money to buy weapons so that Irish citizens may fight for Ireland and its allies (EDEN) which will increase Ireland's total damage output and productivity. The reason this system works is because although everyone is being taxed not everyone fights day by day nor does everyone receive supplies from the government on a daily basis due to inactivity or personal preference (We also receive a large sum from trading income). The money then goes to those citizens who cannot normally afford weapons to fight every day or those who prefer free weapons and their damage goes towards battles that are in Ireland's best interests. By the end result we have greatly increased damage output for Ireland in the battles deemed most beneficial for Ireland which increases our overall productivity as a nation relative to other nations.

I strongly support both the supply system and bootcamp but if the admins rule that we do not regain any money that was stolen we will have no choice but to raise taxes, specifically on VAT taxes like weapons(Currently weapons are 1% I would raise taxes to 10%-15% and go from there). I know this is literally the last thing anyone wants to hear but the only way to get these programs reinstated, which are more beneficial then the costs, is to raise taxes for a time to regain the necessary funds to reinstate even a limited supply system.

All I can hope is that the current administration, congress, and the citizens of Ireland looks over my advice and vote in favor of some of the ideas I have put forth in this article. Of course nothing is set in stone until we have our finances straightened (DreadedEstates + Admins) but if worst comes to worst we will need to increase taxes, specifically VAT taxes on weapons. The battle for Wexford should be a priority that we instate asap and I expect to have some form of supplies available for those who need them.