Balance to the game: ghost boosters!

Day 3,328, 08:52 Published in Hungary Hungary by Qkorica
[Tömör magyar összefoglalás a cikk alján]

Hello eRepublik!

As you may have already noticed, the game is very unbalanced. As a rookie, you have like no chance to take BH medals, or even have significant influence in a battle. (Let's forget about the aircraft thing) Therefore people will hardly find anything that will make them happy in eRepublik.

Altough: Ghost boosters are a very good idea. If you have 100 strength, you will have around 100 dmg influence with q7. With 100k strength, that's 100k dmg/hit. (no boosters, rank bonus, etc.)
The BH costs 10M damage. It's 100 hit for the one with 100k strength (normally 0 EB's), and 100k hit for the one with 100 strength. This is eqvivalent with 1000 EB's. Holy S*** .
But if you have ghost booster: you can make 30100 dmg/hit. This is an improvement and a half... therefore you'll need olny 333 hits to secure your BH. That'll be 24 EB's. Sounds better doesen't it?

So here is my suggestion: let's make ghost boosters last longer, about 5 or 10 minutes. It should take 2-3 hits to make a kill, such as q7 weps. And let people use them whenever they want, not only in wars/RW's that doesen't matter for their country.

Let me know, what do you think about this suggestion? Any oder ideas for making the game more balanced?

Thank you for reading, subsribe please if you haven't yet 🙂

Magyar összefoglaló:

A ghost boosterek tök jók, és jól balancolják a játékot, ezért a javaslatom: tartsanak 5-10 percig, 2-3 ütés legyen egy kill, mint a q7 fegyónál, és lehessen használni tetszőleges csatában.

Véleményeket, stb. kommentbe írjátok!🙂