[Vox Populi] SColbert For PP: Looking Toward the Future

Day 1,934, 18:01 Published in USA USA by SColbert

Hello Vox Nation,

I am writing today in order to declare my candidacy for Party President of the Vox Populi. The Vox community has been huge part of my eRep career, and has given me so much to be thankful for. I have been a member of Vox Populi since it was founded and since then I have worked to build the party. In that time we have seen changes both to our party and to the game as a whole. Through these changes we have kept marching through, shining the light of justice in a eRep world dominated by an unfair “Unity” system, which only hurts 6th parties like ourselves. I have decided now is my time to take charge and lead us through these increasingly unsure times. I hope that you will allow me to be that leader.

My time in Vox has entirely been spent in leadership roles. I have been the Vice Party President 2 times, Chief of Staff 5 times, on the Elections Board 3 times, and a Congressman representing Vox 3 times. My time spent in leadership has led me to understand that there are always way to improve ourselves, and if you are willing Vox I would like to be that person to help fix those problems. Here is my plan to address those problems, and lead us to a brighter future:

1. Membership: Our numbers have always been low, and the only way in which we can improve ourselves is to attract both new and old players through new measures. The past month saw the introduction of the RAV (Refer A Vox) program. The program’s intention was to get the entire party recruiting with the highest recruiter receiving prizes of gold as a reward. While the idea itself is a good one, getting people to participate in it was a problem. I would like to continue the program, but under a Recruitment and Retention Director who is able to coordinate efforts, and make sure that recruitment is something that is a constant rather than an occasional tendency.

2. Media: Our presence in the media has always been lacking. This past month I introduced the idea to our cabinet of creating a Media Fund. This fund would be used to buy votes for authorized articles by Vox members. A person’s article would need to meet certain criteria in order to qualify for fund. I hope that through this fund, and through our new Media/PR Director we will be able to increase our media presence. I have very high expectations for Vox in this realm this next month and intend on Vox maintaining a media ubiety.

3. Inter Party Relationships: As a 6th party we rely on different T4 parties to run is in Congress. In the past the Feds, WTP, and USWP have all run our candidates, and for this we are very grateful. In this time though we have not built the type of relationships that we have with T4 parties, with 6th parties. That is why I why I have filled the position of Party Liaison this month, a position that has been empty since the party began. I am focusing my term on maintaining our already strong relationships with T4 parties, while also building similar relationships with other 6th parties.

4. Mentor Program: This is a program headed by Joseph Dinero designed to better integrate players into the eRep world, and into Vox. The purpose of the program would be to find out what the players are most interested in, and guide them in the process to achieving their goal. Whether their aspirations be political, militaristic, or economic, this program will make sure that new players have the information and guardianship to get where they want.

Now onto my awesome cabinet. I am really excited about it, as I tried to shuffle things up and put new people in new positions. I would like to welcome Memphis Flash, a brand new addition, to our cabinet. I trust these people dearly, and have seen them all work hard and succeed in my time in leadership. Without further ado here is your next cabinet Vox!

Vice Party President - Haselrig
Adviser - Torrin
Chief of Staff - Malovent
Public Relations/Media - Ghost of Tom Joad
Recruitment and Retention Director - Nathan Nate Drake
VP4ME (Food) - Torrin
VP4ME (Weapons) - Joseph Dinero
Lottery - Joseph Dinero
Party Liaison - Joseph Dinero
Media Fund - SColbert
Elections Board -SColbert, Haselrig, Nathan Nate Drake, Alastor DoUrden, Memphis Flash

I also want to encourage others members to step up and volunteer to help out. Our Directors need deputies, and I have instructed every department to choose their own deputies. Even if you are slightly interested in helping out, I ask that you dedicate some of your time to your party.

I look forward to a great month ahead Vox!

SColbert 4 PP!