[TheSchuReport] Once In A Generation

Day 3,173, 14:47 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Dateline: Day 3,173

Today's Articles:

1. Once In A Generation

Once In A Generation

Once in generation you get that one person from time to time that stand out in crowd. That is the person that is willing to do what it takes to get involved, get noticed and eventually run for the big high office. Resoula is that person that can make eUSA more awesome ever than before. A former vice president, twenty time congress memeber, one time secretary of state, Secretary of Media twice, multi monthly time member on the security council, etc. To sum it all up this guy is experienced. The dude knows his stuff and is very dedicated to this game through his many contests.

I returned for third time last November to give eRepublik another try I happened stumble across to come into contact with Resoula. When I met him he told me about his contest. That was first sign of how he brings inclusion among citizens in the game. Since my career in eRep took off I haven't had a chance to participate but I will get around to it eventually. With so many challenges on the horizon including dealing with Russia, Resoula has the balls for what its gonna take to deal with current events in eRepublik. The dude is a change maker. Not a diaper changer. As he is a member of the Black Sheep Party the dude carries the sheap's shears in his pocket and knows how to use them. He's a professional no doubt about it and can be trusted.

As to my own party the Socialist Freedom Party I hope they come around to support such a great intellectual mind that even so I have to admit puts Spock to shame and even so Donald Trump. It is time that the Socialist Freedom Party bridge a stronger relationship with the Black Sheep Party so that our future is invested in cooperation showing support behind Resoula instead of blowing a good opportunity. That is why Resoula is that once in generation person with extraordinary leadership, wisdom and determination. Resoula will not leave a single person in eUSA behind. Resoula is our Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D. Most importantly he is just Resoula because he is adequately tested to do the job as country president if elected.

I support Resoula for Country President for August 2016. Once in a generation he will bring the balance to the force....I mean the eUSA!