[Royal Navy] Protecting our seas

Day 1,692, 10:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WayneKerr

Is there a better choice then the Royal Navy? We think not...

With a lively community and a friendly social buzz, the Royal Navy has always been there for newer players to guide them through the firsts steps of this game. As well as stating the usual perks of being part of our unit, we went out and asked members who recently joined the unit about what they thought of the Navy so far….

Matt Timmins
I joined the game just recently, I joined the RN and haven't looked back since. They help you get started in the game with lots of advice and help, and since they have told me about various player program's they have, I am one of the top ranked players within my regiment for the military unit. Strike Sunday's are a blast and gets you involved with other players who are in the RN and also gives you supplies when you arrive each sunday.

Being new to a game like this it’s easy to get lost and give up… lucky for me I joined the Royal Navy. Not only are they a great bunch ready and willing to help you out when you need it most.. they make the playing experience as a whole more enjoyable!

Where to begin, well when I started I didn't realy understand anything about the game, especialy the fighting, but the navy realy helped me gain understanding. Also I have found that the people are realy nice and welcoming. All in all great.

Samuel Pepys
Im pretty new to the game and im still finding my feet but since joining the Royal Navy things have started to settle down for me. Any questions i have regardless of how stupid they seem get answered quickly and the social aspect of the unit helps you helps ease you into things. Lastly strike sunday is a great idea to build teamwork and get everyone focused on a goal.

We have a selection of Royal Navy Jobs available for everyone who is a member of The Royal Navy.

By having a job within The Royal Navy you will be contributing towards the expansion of the supply chains as well as earning more than the current highest paying job within the eUK.

The Jobs

Tier 1 - Q6 Tanks

- 40 GBP per day
- 14 Tanks per day worked,(LT)
- 14 Tanks per day worked (Firefox30)
delivered on Sundays

These are currently offered by:

Lauren Taylor - Offered on: Polish Job Market
Firefox30 - Offered on: Polish Job Market

Tier 2 - Q4 Food & Tanks

- 30 GBP per day
- 70 Food per day worked, delivered on Sundays
- 6 Tanks per day worked (5 days worked and over), delivered on Sundays

These are currently offered by:

Bobbinbob - Offered On: UK Job Market

How To Accept A Job

The first step is to message Bobbinbob to see if a job is free. Once contact with Bobbinbob has been made you will be directed to the relevant job. All jobs can be found on thier relevent Job Markets (links attached).

You need to be situated within a territory held by the country which the job s being offered in to apply for it, you will also need to be jobless. If you have been working for someone for more than three days then you can resign from that job, but if it has been less than three days if you message your employer and ask them to release you, most will do this for you meaning you can apply for the job.

Help With Any Issues

If you have any issues or cannot see a job available please message either Bobbinbob or WayneKerr and they will advise you further.

Royal Navy Sunday Strikes

Every Sunday, The Royal Navy will be holding a regular weekend strike session on our IRC channel! The Strikes will be taking place from 3pm onwards till around 7pm with officers on hand to deliver supplies for the cause.


The Supplies will consist of a bundle of Q6 tanks and Q5 food, with extras needed for that little boost in the battlefield, in order to collect your supplies you will need to be in attendance on our IRC Channel #ukpp.navy, which you can follow through the link below, as well as a direct link to our UKPP public channel too!


Royal Navy Chat

I already attend strikes, big deal?

We will be keeping tabs on all Division 1 players who participate in the strike sessions, for each person that regularly attends sessions will be entitled to a supply bonus! What, supply bonus? YES SUPPLY BONUS! The eligible people will receive bonus tanks to play with to show their loyalty to the fight.

We try and give our sailors the best support the Navy has to offer, that’s why the normal strike package has now been equalled out… for every sailor! 60 Q5 food and 10 Q6 tanks will be available for all attendants (with extras on hand in case you’re a nutty RN tanker). To receive supplies you must be in our IRC command channel #ukpp.navy, which you can find directly through this link:

Royal Navy Chat

And of course you are always welcome to enter our main party channel too!


The D1 Bonus Programme

So onto the bonuses, dedicated sailors should always be rewarded with that extra little boost, to make them feel more at home. This is why we are am bringing in this bonus tier of supplies to consistently outstanding members.

This is how it will work.

1) First Timer – Sailor attends strike and gets normal strike pack, Kicks some ass

2) Week 3 – Sailor returns the following 2 weeks and receives 75 Q5 Food bonus for service, More ass is kicked

3) Week 5 – Sailor shows commitment to the cause by coming back again the following two weeks, receives 100 Q5 food and 10 Q6 tank bonus both weeks

4) Week 7 - Sailor has proven dedication to the cause and has earned his rightful place, bonus of 150 Q5 food and 25 Q6 Tanks awarded until sailor finally has to take a break from all the ass kicking!

Note: Bonus supplies are awarded WITH the normal strike package as well

Weeks worth of Climbing Center training?

To reward members that attend we also have a Gold Bonus Training Scheme. Giving you 7 days of 0.19 training courtesy of the Royal Navy. To qualify you need to fight in the battle directed by Royal Navy and then post your damage in our IRC chat room. This will then be recorded for us to add up our damage as a unit and also give us the chance to pick the sailor that has fought above and beyond.

Don't forget to post your damage...

This sailor forgot and missed out!

Other MU's

From time to time the Royal Navy will be holding joint strikes with other MU's from the eUK. This is a great initiative started by the Royal Navy and something other MU's we have contacted have seemed to like the idea of, this will hopefully provide the eUK's MU's with some friendly competition in a relaxed environment, letting us all have fun and get to know other members of the eUK we wouldn't normally come into contact with. As well as providing the eUK MU's with a chance to drop millions worth of damage into battles not only for ourselves but for our allies.

The Retention Programme

We have starter regiments in the Navy specifically designed to help the newest of players get to grips with the game, just to guide them through the first month or two. Our retention officer, Richard Feist runs this programme:

‘Hi, my name is Richard Feist and I’m the Recruitment and Retention officer for the UKPP and Royal Navy. My job is to help with finding new sailors for the RN and once they have joined us to give them guidance, advice, support and help them starting out with supplies. As they level up and progress they can then move on from being at a recruit to fully fledged members of the amazing RN’

For more Royal Navy player schemes check out our eUK forum section for more information.

Get involved, follow the links:
Join the Royal Navy

Join the UKPP


UKPP Royal Navy

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