[MoIA] Dissolution of Malayan Tiger Party

Day 2,261, 03:17 Published in Malaysia France by Nasionalis Sarawak

On behalf of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and his honourable RyuYuki, Minister of Internal Affairs, I am happy to announce that today, the PTO party Malayan Tiger has been dissolved. The government had successfully combated the domestic threat and will continue to combat other such insurgents which threaten our national security. We, at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will also continue to work hard alongside all eMalaysians to make eMalaysia truly an eMalaysian eMalaysia.

Much thanks to President Nerzhu1 and his cabinet, and, most importantly, the people of eMalaysia. This is another step forward for eMalaysia as we continue to grow, taking small steps to slowly emerge out of the darkness and into the light. As we continue to grow together as an eNation, let us remain united in the face of adversity and let us realise the importance of light when we see darkness (quoting a bit from Malala Yousafzai).

Other relevant reads

[MoIA] Dissolution of Party Really Closing Soon

Signing off,

MoIA official