[eUK] Calling All TUP members...

Day 3,910, 08:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by WayneKerr

An official Political Party broadcast brought to you by Best PCP

Welcome eUK, especially you TUP members, new and old reading this article, this one very much requires your help.

I'm basically gonna get straight down to the point, I thought about writing many paragraphs of fluff, telling you what you already know to be true anyway, I hear that's how you guys operate. But I couldn't be bothered.

The TUP leadership like to claim that their party is very active, very democratic and very unified. As we've seen from MIK's 'policy' article, if this is indeed the case, my god, you guys need help!

But when looking at the party feed, we see a different picture, we see very little going on there, which suggests to me very little going on at all.

Terrible for a party twice the size of it's nearest competitor, don't you think?

All we see is one guy repeatedly shouting out offering food. To counter this evidence, they claim that it's within the safety of Private in game messages and the private Discord server in which this party is truly active.

And this my TUP friends, is where I need your help. I want to see these active party messages, I want to see this thriving Discord based community. Send me screenshots and I'll reward you nicely. The juicier the pricier, remember that.

Man can earn himself a pretty penny and your identify will remain totally unknown

So to recap, if you are a member of TUP and have access to either the private discord server or the mythical TUP Private In Game Mass Party Mail, send me screenshots, we Pirates wish to see whether the TUP leadership are all talk or whether your leaders are actually engaging the membership and creating the 'strong community' that it's top guys were so passionate about not that long ago. Big money can be made, we Pirates ain't afraid of spending our booty on tasty treasures.

It's a nice way for you new guys to boost your income...

Thanks for reading


Pirate Cat 'Morals' Officer

Is your party a bit rubbish?
Is your party feed giving you the impression of a dead eNation?
Do you find yourself asking, 'Is there eLife out there?


It's where all the cool kids hang out


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