[EPD4CP] Man With A Plan

Day 1,744, 20:35 Published in Canada USA by Derphoof

Canada needs an active leader, willing to cooperate, compromise and communicate. As such I am throwing my name into the race for president of Canada. Unlike many campaigns which seem vague or engage in mudslinging, I have developed a plan which is as follows:

There are 7 things i would like to do in a Pato administration:
1.) Encourage growth and stability in the eCanadian economy
2.) Keep our loyalties to Terra while also making the best strategic options for Canada
3.) Restore the international community’s faith in Canada as a reliable ally and stable state
4.) Foster a positive political atmosphere
5.) Foster communication between Congress, the CP, and the people of Canada
6.) Keep our military organized and efficient.
7.) Make sure all MU funding is equal and non-biased while decreasing their reliance on funding

1.) Encourage growth and stability in the eCanadian economy
The biggest issue right now is our economy. If you were to look at the Monetary market, at first glance you may think our economy is great! With gold down to 850-900 from 2000-2200, that means our currency is very strong at the moment! However, currently our Economy is actually in the middle of a downturn. Wages have plummeted and prices for final goods have remained relatively stagnant as of late. Our tax revenue has been on the decline due to lowered wages and relatively high prices of goods. Our MU funding is down because of this.

The good news? I have a plan. Lower all taxes except VAT. For those who don’t know, basically VAT acts as a sales tax. Currently our VAT on weapons is 12%. So for every Q6 weapon sold, the government makes around $2.40. If the tax went up to 25%, the government would make at least $5 from each Q6 weapon sold. I say “at least” because prices will likely go up to make up for lost revenue. However, I do not want the tax hike to decrease the spending power of citizens.

Currently, the income tax is 10%. I would lower it to 5%. In this way, if you have a job making $60, you keep $3 more than you do now. Prices for weapons should be expected to rise $2.60 to make up for lost revenue from new taxes. Currently you can buy 2 Q6 weapons with a $60 wage. I want to keep your ability to buy the amount you’re used to. By lowering your income taxes, it helps to even out the expected rise in prices.

Currently: (Current numbers slightly edited due to new taxes)

$66-6.6 (income tax)= $59.4
$23 x 2= $46 (VAT tax takes $5.52 from sale)

$13.4 citizen surplus to spend or save
$40.48 in revenue for weapons company

Government makes $12.12 in taxes

After my tax plan:

$66-3.30 (from income tax)= $62.70 (total take home money)
$27 (estimated price of weapons after taxes) x 2= $54 (VAT Tax takes $13.5)

$8.70 citizen surplus to spend or save
$40.50 in revenue for weapons company

Government makes $16.80 in taxes

That is a 39% increase in tax revenue without any detrimental effect to the economy at large.

Also, we cannot halfway do it! It has to be all or nothing. If we only enact income tax, than we lose a significant amount of revenue. If we only do VAT, we take away the purchasing power of citizens.

Yes I know taxes are mainly a congressional thing but its better to have a plan and try something than to sit around and suffer. If we can get ourselves to stray outside of our comfort zone and try something different, than I would be happy.

2.) Keep our loyalties to Terra while also making the best strategic options for Canada
I support our allegiance with Terra and all of our allies inside the military bloc. If anything I want to make it stronger. I would love to see unaligned nations, big and small, join Terra. After all, it means more support for us and our allies in wars. However, I know Terra is going downhill. I’m not sure how much longer it will be around. If it breaks up, I wish to keep ties with our allies and make sure any talks around a new alliance work to our benefit and military advantage.

3.) Restore the international community’s faith in Canada as a reliable ally and stable state
I plan on strengthening our relationship with our allies. As such I will put their defense before our need for mindless wars. Sure, everyone desires some nice shiny TP gold and I want everyone to have fun, but we need to become a stable nation when it comes to military and foreign policy. We cannot let down our allies by declaring war randomly for our own amusement. Our image has gotten progressively worse as our nation seems more and more unstable across the world and abroad. I want to work towards restoring Canada’s image as a reliable country that our allies can count on.

4.) Foster a positive political atmosphere
As seen by my earlier article I wish to cooperate with every party, create ideas, and find compromise for the benefit of Canada. I am tired to the immensely toxic environment of eCanadian politics. I will try to work as best as I can to contribute to a positive political sphere. Instead of shouting at each other, try to work with each other. I am a CPF member and I hold to the seven tenets. However, as a CP I would not hold on tightly to my party. I would reach across the aisle, engage others and urge them to speak their mind on issues hoping to gather some positive input from all sides to find a solution.

5.) Foster communication between Congress, the CP, and the people of Canada
I will communicate often my plans and activities to Congress as well as listen to their ideas, advice, opinion and all other input. I will work to tell the public what I have been up to every 1-3 days. If it is possible to do it every day, I will try. Likewise I would like to possibly hire a Media Minister to update Canada on the activities of Congress as well as other government opportunities.

I am very active in the game. You can find me online most of the time. You may not see me on IRC too terribly much but if I am online, I will respond to your PM’s in a heartbeat. I’m an open book, feel free to ask questions.

6.) Keep our military organized and efficient.
I wish to coordinate with our allies to determine who needs our support most. Because I am online most of the day, I will send out Battle Orders in an article and PM all MU Commanders to set their MU DO to the allied conflict that needs our support.

7.) Make sure all MU funding is equal and non-biased and decrease their reliance on funding
I will support any and every active MU with government funding regardless of who they are and what they stand for. If they are active and fight for Canada, then we need to fund them in equal proportion as per the law. No one gets any special treatment or denied funding because of affiliation.

I would also like to see MU’s have the ability to use a percentage of government funding on infrastructure to lessen their dependence on the government. In the long term, the government would be able to cut taxes as the MU’s would not need as much funding. If MU’s didn’t need funding we could go to minimum tax levels! How nice would that be?

In short here are the 7 points of the Pato administration:
1.) Encourage growth and stability in the eCanadian economy
2.) Keep our loyalties to Terra while also making the best strategic options for Canada
3.) Restore the international community’s faith in Canada as a reliable ally and stable state
4.) Foster a positive political atmosphere
5.) Foster communication between Congress, the CP, and the people of Canada
6.) Keep our military organized and efficient.
7.) Make sure all MU funding is equal and non-biased and decrease their reliance on funding

Thank you for reading!

Also, I will be taking applications for Cabinet positions: