[CP] Pharaon is in the house [CAT/ENG] [CP]

Day 2,056, 03:40 Published in Egypt Brazil by MR Die
Estimats ciutadans:

És un gran plaer per mi, haver sigut elegit CP de aquest país, a sigut molt difícil, portàvem un mes preparant-nos-ho i els més analistes deien que perdria, ha sigut difícil, però el treball conjunt, i un programa molt ben estructurat, a fet que vosaltres veiéssiu que vaig en serio, i que em compromet-ho moltísim per el país i vosaltres, perquè un país on els ciutadans no estiguen bé, no es un país, dit això, he aconseguit transmetre-us la confiança que em teníeu que donar per què avui pugui estar escrivint aquests article.

Vull donar especial gracies als partits 7izb Al Tahrir i LSD per ajudar-me i donar sortida al meu govern, i a tota la gent que m'ha votat i a confiat amb mi, òbviament que també, podem estar separats en partits, però tenim que demostrar que tots units som fors, que podem viure tots junts, que anem tots a mirar per el bé del país i que lluitarem per aquest país.

dit això, aquí us presento els ministres, viceministres i ajudants de cada ministeri.

- CP
- MrEdahi
- vCP
- Manuel Rochera Parrado
- MoFA:
- Leinster
- vMoFa
- JordiMarch
- Itchabe
- aMofa (Ajudant)
- Aleju

- MoI:
- Montserrati
- vMoI:
- Neruath

- MoE😛
- Jo1sei
- vMoE😛
- HarrisOnFord
- IAC:
- Franjoli

- MoC:
- Jberna

- M R+😨
- Kinami

- Mo😨
- Ali Gual
- vMo😨
- fetgefetgut
- Mikhail Zarevich Kalashnikov

- MoF:
- Manuel Rochera Parrado
- vMof
- joanj90
- Rogerponts

També destacar que els viceministres poden ser més donat a que som un govern on tothom pot entrar si vol aprendre, sols fa falta que enviïs un missatge al ministre i ell es posarà en contacta amb tu!


Dear citizens:

It is a great pleasure for me to have been elected CP in this country, has been very difficult, we had a month preparing ourselves and most analysts said they would lose, but working together, and a very well structured, has made you véreu that my candidacy was completely serious candidate and that my commitment to the country and is and will be with you all.

A country where people are not good, not a country, that said, I have managed to convey the trust that you had given to me to be writing this article today.

I want to give special thanks to Al Tahrir 7izb parties and LSD to help me out and give my government, like all the people that voted for me and trusted me. Obviously, we are perhaps in separate matches, but we must show that all together we are strong, we can live together, which is the good of the country ahead of any individuality and fight for our dreams, for our country.

That said, here I present ministers, deputy ministers and assistants of each ministry.

- CP
- MrEdahi
- vCP
- Manuel Rochera Parrado
- MoFA:
- Leinster
- vMoFa
- JordiMarch
- Itchabe
- aMofa (Ajudant)
- Aleju

- MoI:
- Montserrati
- vMoI:
- Neruath

- MoE😛
- Jo1sei
- vMoE😛
- HarrisOnFord
- IAC:
- Franjoli

- MoC:
- Jberna

- M R+😨
- Kinami

- Mo😨
- Ali Gual
- vMo😨
- fetgefetgut
- Mikhail Zarevich Kalashnikov

- MoF:
- Manuel Rochera Parrado
- vMof
- joanj90
- Rogerponts

Also note that the deputy can be given that we are a government where everyone can come if you want to learn, just need to send a message to the minister and he will contact you!