[CP] New term, New update

Day 2,639, 03:37 Published in Ireland South Korea by An Sluagh

Citizens of the Republic,

Apologies for not writing an article sooner but I've been busy both in game and out so have had little time to sit down and write this article. It's time for another briefing.


I would like to thank all of the citizens who voted for me in the last election. I received an additional 14 votes from the previous election which is an increase of 28%! Must be doing something right!

I would also like to thank Omega Eireann, The Labour Party, Independent Voices and Irish Communist Party for their support. It is fantastic to have the support of two centre parties and two left-wing parties which shows the diversity of the policies adopted by Government.


It is becoming real, we have begun collecting real money to fund our advertisement campaign! I would like to thank Ian Arb for organising the Paypal end and all others involved in this operation - so many people have contributed over the past few months I can't name them all but special mentions to, Ian Arb, Raven Anarcho, Winston Hope Smith, Ian E Coleman and Mr. Tayto.

If you wish to donate, you can find out more here.

Have you liked our Facebook Page? We're nearly at our goal of 100 likes! Like it here!

[Irish Army]

The transition of power has been a great success and I have zero complaints to make about the leadership of Mr. Tayto except he doesn't leave the IA HQ until late - costing us a fortune in electricity! All involved in the Command structure are doing a great job and deserve the recognition.

Special mention to Shytach who I know has been of great assistance to Mr. Tayto and kitting out all soldiers in their shmexy uniforms. Check out mine!


We are continuing to use our new forums which have proved to be quite useful and are quite active altogether.

Please register on the forums at eireland.url.ph if you have not done so yet

Should you have any difficulty, please message the forum administrators Ian Arb or Ian E Coleman.

I am running a confession bear competition of the forums - winner shall receive 5 gold. Currently there are 0 entrants ;_: so enter now and you have a great chance of winning.

[Resource Wars]

We have completely wrapped up all our war games and completed the Resource Wars with one of the best outcomes. Our new resources have now been implemented by the admins.

That is an 80% food bonus and a 40% weapons bonus. Think of all the coddle and shepherds pie we can make now!


Within the past week we have signed a few MPP's.

We have proposed MPP's with Macedonia and Chile, both of which were accepted.

Russia proposed an MPP with us which we have accepted.

We proposed an MPP with Croatia which is currently under vote but is 100% going to be passed.

Over the next few days I will be proposing a few more MPPs with the nations chosen by our congress.


This term I have shook things up a bit with the retirement of Nogin the Nog. I have placed Don Croata in the role of Minister of Finance. We've put in a good bit of work so far and have secured every single organisation owned by the State. Securing organisations in the past has been a problem for previous administrations and had taken weeks for one sole organisation I have been told. However we have secured the remaining 26 all within 36 hours! Plato did good.

A full in depth report was also published. If you have some spare time I would recommend you read it in full as there are some big changes coming our way!

Read it here.

That's all that I can think of for the moment, the nations good. We're progressing. We're making money. We're all talking ( might not be nice but it's talking).

All in all, I think we're in a good place.

Éire Abú,
An Taoiseach
An Sluagh