[外電]澳洲對台公告事項與對 CP 訪談

Day 2,452, 02:00 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by CKWang

Fellow eAustralians, today we would like to inform the public about the progression our ambassador program. This article is a report on the progression of the relations with eAustralia and eRoC (Taiwan). In the last few weeks the ambassador to eRoC along with our MoFA team and CP have been working hard to strengthen the bonds between our great nations. eRoC are a leading force in the world and are strong and valuable force in the LETO alliance.

e澳大利亞夥伴們,今天我們想要公開報告我們外事部門促進澳洲與 ROC (台灣) 雙邊關係的一些工作內容。過去數週間,負責聯絡 eROC 的外事代表、外事團隊、及 CP 致力於加強彼此的連結。eROC 是這個世界的領頭勢力之一,並在 LETO 聯盟中舉足輕重。

eRoC are currently at war with eJapan after many attempts to negotiate a peace treaty from a long standing war that both parties are happy with. We have been informed that eJapan wishes to amend the proposed treaty, though have not replied to the diplomats of eRoC since, causing any ceasefire agreement to be ineffective until the matter is attended to by the Japanese diplomatically.

長期戰爭後,期望和平的台日雙方曾簽定和約,但最近在數度雙邊交涉破裂後,eROC 目前正與日本處於戰爭狀態中。我們被告知到日本意圖修改和約內容,但未尋正式外交管道與 eROC 溝通,導致停火協議失效,直到日本願意重回正式談判為止。

I had the pleasure of having an interview with the CP of eRoC "Slps" regarding the current agenda in Taiwan.

我很榮幸地與 eROC 現任 CP, Slps, 進行專訪,來談談台灣的現況。

Interview with slps:

DodgyHagri😛 Thankyou for your time. How have you felt about relations with Australia in the past compared to now?

slps: We have had plenty more communication than beforehand

DodgyHagri😛 How had you felt about this current term as CP of eRoC?
做為現任 eROC CP,您有何看法?

slps: Pretty good, we have future plans for some policies related to assisting our allies more often. We plan to implement this plan as of the next term. It take us some time because we have some discussions and we have to run some beta tests for this policy to make sure it will work for a period of time and the influence it will give and I'm looking forward to see it start operating in next month

DodgyHagri😛 This policy implemented would also help Australia in upcoming plans for liberation correct?

slps: Yes, all allied countries will be our targets for give assistance.

DodgyHagri😛 Any other future plans for Taiwan

slps: We plan to maintain the current circumstances and help our allies through MPP and our mobile army
我們計劃維持現有的局勢,並經由 MPP 與機動部隊來協助盟友。

DodgyHagri😛 Throughout your experience in eRoC what would have been some of your best moments in the game?
在你待在 eROC 的歲月中,你在遊戲中所擁有最好的時光是那些呢?

slps: My best moments in eRepublik were about two or three years ago. I enjoyed citizens gathering on IRC Channels for whole day, following orders, and fighting together in battlefield.
在 eRepublik 中最好的時光是在兩到三年前,我享受著與公民們一起群聚 IRC 頻道,泡上一整天並依循軍令共同在戰場上打拼。

DodgyHagri😛 That's all for now, thank you! o7

We have a bright future ahead with Taiwan and we plan to strengthen our relations as allies and neighbours, developing a strong bond for a cohesive brotherhood, we will truly become a force to be reckoned with along with our other friends and allies alike. We plan to work very closely with eRoC as we have been doing for the last few weeks but even more so. In the future we will be able to co-ordinate well with each other and towards both nations own common goals for the betterment of both countries.

我們與台灣共享一個美好的未來,並計劃強化做為盟友與鄰國間的雙邊關係,發展強而有力的聯結,形成緊密的兄弟情誼。與盟友與友邦在一起,我們必將成為一股不容忽視的力量。過去數週我們澳洲密切地與 eROC 合作,將來甚至會更加努力。未來兩國將可以順利合作朝共同目標前進,謀求兩國的福祉。

Hail LETO!
Hail eRoC!
Hail eAustralia!


dMoFA and eAustralia's Ambassador to eRoC
