[Comet] Giveaway for Media Mogul - 2

Day 3,403, 04:51 Published in Armenia Croatia by Selak Ivan

Hello friends, Comet here again 🙂

I just finished handing some gifts who subscribed my newspaper and commented below my previous article. Hua.... it was a long list but I was glad that I got help from those many friends!

Gladly 61 new players subscribed my newspaper after I published previous article. However I still need 38 new players who didn't subscribed yet. Therefore, I would like to have another GIVEAWAY for my final goal, Media Mogul Medal.

| First 38 players will get : 10 Q7 Weapons

| Next players will get : 3 Q5 Tickets

Subscribe and comment with your subscription number 🙂

Thank you very much!

Comet Academy