[B&W Switzer News]Together we can, forever we friend Macedonia !!

Day 2,344, 23:10 Published in Switzerland Chile by Black Whiter

First of all, Hallo everybody and respect to our Presidents, president of China and their teams and to my party president and other party members

I work as China MoFA-Journalist again this month, i hope i can learn here before i go to Switzerland gov or Congress..

My Second article as eChina MoFA Journalist ::
Good day to everyone,
This is my 28th article, usualy i will write 1 article per 2 days, this is a happy article about Swiss National Army loyal members program and announchment that Macedonia win the battle against Slovenia Air Strike..

Enjoy your newspaper..

Like my work program as captain of SNA before, I will give you an event "Swiss National Army loyal member event" you just need to send me Screentshot of your demage here or on other PM (how much your demage is not important the important thing is you fight for MoD Order..

MoD Order ::
Fight for Macedonia in South Australia
Example ::

Note :: all regiment of SNA can join this event, all people who send me SS will get 30 CC
All swiss citizen can join this event, you just post your screenshot of your demage on comment..

All swiss Fighter that sent me ss (Maybe just a little but we are honest and we loyal, maybe small demage but we are there to help you without any regret)

I want to thank all those who supported this victory against the Slovenia's Airstrike. This was thanks to the help of many comrades, and it was through the support of all soldiers in this country, thanks to all who came from other countries to support Macedonia.

This is not only macedonian victory, this is not only sirius, aurora, or prosirius country winner this is our victory..

This is Sweet Victory

All citizen around the world support this campaign, we fight, we not give up, and in the end we gain our victory together.. Congratulations Macedonia, you are our brother.. We will always there to support you

Of course, this is a team effort, not just one person can do. This is how we must work for the sake of our future we must remain united.
In general I want to thank everyone, I was very happy with the result we obtained together.

And keep respect to Slovenia, Asteria and LETO good campaign without you this game will be boring, sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, and we are friends in community but in battlefield we are enemy.. Good fight, and i will respect you as your enemy..

Joined :: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/advance-3601/1

[Advance] Bottle Advance Project for new player and a baby..

And so, my fellow frien😛 ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

Finally, whether you are citizens of Switzerland or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Do you want to make your country better??


Black Whiter