[APP] CP Endorsement: Hagrid4CP!

Day 2,503, 09:07 Published in Australia Chile by Australian Parliamentary Party

Endorsement testimony form the SG:
Dear eAussies,
Our party is glad to endorse DodgyHagrid for the next CP elections. As you know he has been part of the MoFA team in both Molly and Infowar’s cabinets, so he is familiar with our foreign politics and all relations between the nations all over the eWorld. Furthermore Hagrid is an active ambassador to eRoC (Taiwan), which are our close friends and true ally.
It is fair to say some words about his leadership skills. I don’t know if he is Hagrid or not, but he is definitely very Dodgy. He keeps very friendly relations with all party members … no, he keeps very friendly relations with all players in the game and the same time he has strong opinion which deserves respect. For sure he will be able to build a cabinet with members of all parties in and outside Top 5. Assigning specific tasks to each minister and deputy will make the cabinet and its operations tidy and responsible.

Vote for our Team Builder Dodgy! He might not be so sexy, but he definitly is a man with big balls to compensate!

Like Dodgy once sai😛 “Your opinion is important only when it’s still valid. Speaking afterwards won't get you anywhere!”

Written by J Seemore, Secretary General of the APP

From the PP:
Yes ladies and gentlemen, I have been officially endorsed by the APP and have recieved nothing but kind words and support from them. I would also like to thank J Seemore for his testimony, which was completely voluntary and I think he has provided a strong overview of my political career. As we progress closer to Election Day I have worked tirelessly to prepare myself for the upcoming month, composing a strong cabinet and establishing plans for the short and long-term. I also would like to extend my gratitude to Molly Jo who I will be running against as she will appoint me as her vCP if she emerges the winner on the 6th. With all this next term looks to be an exciting one for both me and the APP whose members are continuing to achieve great things.

Cheers to everyone who has supported me, I cannot express my thanks enough to you guys


dMoFA of eAustralia, eAustralian Ambassador to eROC and President of the APP

Vote Hagrid for CP!