[AI] My program?!

Day 1,074, 23:51 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Andreas Isaksson

Dear citizens of the Nehterlands,

I am running for President so I need to write a program. But he point is, why should I write a program? What will I do with this program? Is someone checking this program at the end of the term if I did accomplish it? I dont know... If you know it, pls comment it!

We have 2 things that our country harms.

1) A low ammount of citizens.
2) Less activity in the community.

And that are the 2 point that I want to work on. We have to keep going with some "normal daily" business like Finance and Defense, but who cares about a MoI when there is nothing going on here? Who cares about state comapnys when they are closed?

We all know really good how we are doing. And that isnt well. So I want to focus on this. Every active member has to show some little activity to help Daniel Parker with making babys. And the ones who can approve that they have really put activity in it, and the results are babys, I will hand a price out for that. Think in golds.

hmmm... Do I need to say more? euhmm... Is it needed to make a list with experience? I will try.

I started as SS under Betha on MoHa. 2 terms. After that I become minister myself. I have no idea if it was 1 or 2 terms. In that time I was PP of I&W too. I started to hate politics and switched to defense. after a few terms as general I became Minister. With my general Jazar we had the best defense ever. I did it 3 and a half term. I came back 2 months later to clean the mess. I finished it in 1.5 term and decided to quit for the 2nd time. However I couldnt leave you alone and just stayed. I became Minister of Recruitment for 2 terms, and again on defense for 2 terms. On the times that I was on defense I was active in the alliance too.

Well thats it.


ps: I need a slogan...