每人派10Q7好了 / Free 10 Q7 for each people

Day 1,721, 06:15 Published in China China by ozzzkar

1) 用帥哥的dropbox連結開個號 http://db.tt/nJ2BYIJi (dropbox不會驗證你的電郵,咳咳,所以隨便亂填一個就成
2)安裝dropbox的桌面客戶X (用xunlei下載這連結會快很多很多很多)
3) 在已經安裝好的桌面版dropbox登入一次就成

由於你申請了的話 我會收到通知的(每個下線我均會多了500mb網存空間)
請於本報紙留下你的登記電郵 以作查核之用
例子: (登記數請看報紙下方回覆+1) 電郵

(1) ja387881@abc.com 這便是第一位參加者
(2) ChrisPEK@erep.eC 第2位…如此類推

請在報紙回覆更新 ( ) 內的數字,不然 q7數目減半


English Version:

Giving out 10 Q7 for each people who
1) create a dropbox account by using my referral link: http://db.tt/nJ2BYIJi , dropbox won't verify your email address so it's doesn't matter whether you provide a real one or not

2) (you can skip this step if you have already installed dropbox in your computer) install the desktop client of dropbox (it would be much faster if you download it using softwares like flashget, download address: https://ddr3luum8vl5r.cloudfront.net/Dropbox%201.4.12.exe

3) login the desktop client using the account u have just created in step (1)

Please leave the corresponding email by commenting on this newspaper

(1) ja387881@abc.com
(2) ChrisPEK@erep.eC
(2😎 xxxxx@xxx.com

It is your responsibility to leave the correct no. inside the bracket by checking the comments of this newspaper, prizes may be reduced by 5Q7 if you don't follow the instruction or not receiving any Q7 at all if the no.of people who have completed it have reached (26)

I have prepared 260 Q7 tanks for 26 people who have completed this mission