WHPR [Day 1,218] The Turning Point

Day 1,218, 16:27 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

WHPR DAY 1,218

1.) Turning Point
2.) Germany and Poland Come to Blows
3.) Game Changers and Voting Reform
4.) Ambassadors Needed
5.) A Reminder
6.) Radio Free America

Did you miss me yesterday? Here's what happened. I got appointed Secretary of Media. I was so stunned that I fell out of my chair, bumped my head on one of those huge ashtrays they have in the West Wing, and spent the rest of the evening wandering around asking people "Whatever happened to Cynic Grim?", then shouting "Long Live Ramonist-Chuikovism!" until somebody finally put me to bed and gave me a sedative.

You'll be glad to know I am A-OK today. I am back on the job, and I have recruited my nephew -- an outstanding artist, even though he's only 7 -- to provide some great graphics to illustrate today's edition.

The Turning Point:

OK. It would be an exagerration to say there's been a palace coup. Some of the ol' "kick out the dead wood" going on, for sure. But it's more like President Glove is extremely annoyed at ministers and officials who are not putting in a 100% effort.

It might be easier to depict graphically:

Artistic rendition of Pres. Glove dispensing marching orders to a confuzzled minister, and being encouraged by a more active minister to proceed.

Times are a-changing, my friends. Storm clouds are gathering. We must all be prepared for what is coming.

Germany and Poland Come to Blows:

As part of the upcoming game changes related to trading routes, Poland has been trying to negotiate a land bridge through Germany to the regions they rent from the Netherlands. These discussions have broken down.

The neighbors have declared each other Natural Enemies and Poland has attacked Hesse, Germany.

These developments should be understood in the context of Poland's hold over Mexico. While the Polish occupation of our southern neighbor will soon lose its economic importance, the szlachta (Polish nobility) likely still consider Mexico to be an important base of operations for their imperialist ambitions.

This conflict looks like it may be one of the opening skirmishes in an upcoming scramble for global realignment.

Poland threatens German independence and sovereignty

Game Changers and Voting Reform:

Speaking of game changers, org voting was abolished yesterday.

While the ability to vote up articles using a collection of organizations will be missed by many, there is no point in crying over forked code, as my nerdier friends might say.

A number of countries -- notably Poland -- and organizations -- notably iNCi -- already have well organized voting clubs.

We've been stressing in the last few press releases the importance of supporting American writers. And I encourage you every day to vote and subscribe to key publications. This is a whole 'nother level where your patriotic participation is needed.

Sec. of the Interior, C. "Get Off Your Ass!" Roy has served notice that he has plans in the pipeline for addresing this situation. Stay tuned to the daily reports from his team for more info.

CRoy and Jude Connors (right) fan the flames of public opinion against media apathy

Ambassador Slots Still Available:

How else can I say this? YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU!

To sign up today to join the diplomatic corps, click here!...

Ambassadors Applications

A Reminder:

Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone.

Nada se construye sobre piedra; todo se construye sobre arena, pero debemous construir como si la arena fuese piedra.

-- Jorge Luis Borges

Every day, you work, you train, you fight, right? Well don't stop clicking! Those Vote and Subscribe buttons need your love too! Subscribe to and vote every day for WH Press Room (WHPR), the papers listed below, and for all the articles in the Pony Express' Easyrider.

- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

- Easyrider, from the Pony Express

- The Vanguard World, President Glove's paper

xio, PQ