what about the art the cartoons the poems :|

Day 1,241, 15:52 Published in Germany Germany by moonburn

this latest changes in the media module really really really really annoys me

i mean what about personal articles to express generalist opinions

what about interviews with people who know wtf they are talking about wich range to several topics not just war or politics or economy ?

what about my rants with all the changes i would like to see implemented wich are normally fallowed by a sugestion thread on the forum wich nobady reads and quickly gets ignored (or erased like my political module sugestion ... )

i have in the past tried to implement kultur actions to get the egerman comunity more active in avatar creating cartoons making or poetry ? without culture a comunity is nothing more then a bunch of needs without a goal to acomplish something that doesn´t dream and create is nothing more then machines

either the developers implement "other" options or they should implement a art section where our few creative minds can create roleplay stories or after action reports or drawings wich are just cool and have no use (kind of like avatars) or post musik using utube links for bands and songs most of us don´t know

as a comunity we need to share more (and no i ain´t sharing my sparse gold go work lazy asses) and all this division in the media altough nice for newbies and people with specific interests removes our chances to be pleasently surprised

furthermore it seems a way to compartimentalise the comunity into even more niches and thus prevent us from being ecletic in the game and trying to diminish our interest for sharing information artistic views choices or just laughs

anyway just for the flick of it i will leave you with my last poem written 😐
it´s in portuguese but trust me it´s better then my poems in german XD or that my last 2 one was in spanish and the other in english and they never feel so natural as when i writte in portuguese 😐

tudo em ti me dá tesão
tudo em ti me dá vontade
de gritar ao mundo inteiro
que te amo de verdade

existem tão poucas pessoas
que no mundo nos adorem
que seja qual for a razão
é sempre bom sermos amados

talvez seja a incerteza
talves seja amor terminado
mas é com toda a certeza
um amor inacabado

best regards Moon Burn and yes you´re right i only wrotte this to publish a poem wich mos of you won´t understand 😛