Weapons Tax proposal

Day 524, 14:41 Published in South Korea United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Let me preface this latest addition to the campaign by reminding all eUKers that the prosecution of the war with Norway will run to its natural conclusion and will overide all other considerations.

There will be no 'cutting and running' in order to implement my own programs and continuity and respect for the previous decisions made will be the order of the day.

Social Programs - Recruitment and Retention.
Recruitment and retention is about getting people to join something. wheter its eRep, a Party, an MU, a channel or forum and to keep clicking away.

The responsibility to recruit (if any) lies with the benefactor of the activity. Whilst the eUK national body benifits from the recruitment work, the executive is only one of the stakeholders with a vested intrest in recruitment and very much on the fringes of receiving the benifits.

Retention kicks-off where recruitment ends. Retention is keeping our players around by engaging them in the game them. The best way to engage a citizen is to develop a relationship with them;

+Commanders should have a relationship with their troops.

+Party leaders should have a relationship with their party members.

+Employers should have relationship with their employees.

+Congress should have a relationship with their electorate.

Too many instances have I seen of well meaning and intentioned government programs being run only to have them corrupted either by abuse of power, special favours and personal or monetary gain or indeed by tiredness and apathy.

It is counter-productive for the Government to attempt to provide an apolitical social system when one of the keys of retention is in the offering of political or MU avenues of exploration.

It is also wasteful and a duplication of effort in funding such programs when the nation is already blessed with many private schemes and programs that (driven by competition) offer rewards far in excess of what the Government can offer.

Income tax
Currently we have a riduculous situation where we have a group of citizens who pay a proper wage with the intention of giving their employees the werewithal to invest in themselves free of market fluctuations or just to have the ready cash on hand to actually shop freely on the market and to buy those items that are sold by low paying communes to raise cash or low paid commune workers to try raise money for investment.

Every percentage rise in income tax restricts their ability to do this and over a calender month these citizens are making a contribution 100x greater then the min. wage worker and yet receive no relief for the greater contribution.

Import Tax
I was recently part of a small experiment whereby a number of congressmembers voted to increase the import tax levels on WRM to the maximum permissable level.

The results were the dissapearance of foreign competition on the markets and a brief, tiny spike of 0.01 above the world market price which was stabilised by the buying of foreign stock abroad for re-sale at the 0.01 mark-up making for a tiny profit for would be export/importers.

As the main source of our income and as the preface made clear - I don't wish to touch VAT (other then levelling across the market) until we can properly review the effect on income caused by the other changes, the swinging cuts in executive programs and a period of relative calm.

As we angle towards a period of less intensive fighting we'll be looking to cutback on the amount of MPPs and make the hard decisions on merit rather then when forced by the crumbling economic conditions we live in.

To that end we'll be certainly looking to retain our MPPs with our TWO allies - Spain, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia and Hungary as well as our allegiances with Macedonia and Indonesia.

All other MPPs will be up for discussion and will only be proposed by myself if a super majority of congress agrees to proceed.

Emergency Funding
As already discussed - CtA will no longer run on a continous basis. Therfore any funding for the occasions when CtA is called for comes under the purview of 'Emergency funding'.

The MoD will therefore be granted a fund of £50,000 to be held for activation of CoTA when required.

Any amount over this total will require congressional clearance to access and any unspent amount or supplies will obviously be returned at the expiration of my term.

AGAIN this measure only applies if/when the Campaign against the Nordic hordes of EDEN has been resolved.

I'm on the part of the 'divide' that believes in small government and personal responsibility in economic practice this means;

A very firm focus on cutting expenditure.

Establish the conditions to allow player, party, MU, corporate and benefactory schemes to flourish and grow.

Stopping waste and duplication of effort by acknowledging the work of private schemes rather then trying compete with them.

Greater Congressional responsibility.

Providing the freedom for citizens to choose their character development.

in TL😉R / Policy bar format;

Disclaimer : In all these matters I am one small vote without a clear mandate (+50% of the cast votes) that is how I will remain with only the power to advocate for these changes.
