we need a new military module

Day 1,222, 12:32 Published in Germany Germany by moonburn

the game is dieing and the reason for it is that the economy is totally screwed up thanks to moronic changes made by you know who

after giving it some tough on how to recover this game i believe i have a solution to jumpstart the economy once again

we need to change the military module into something more accostumed to the classical age or the medieval times

it´s time for new equipments so after a very heated debate with people who don´t even play this crap (europa barbarorum forum for the true historical connoseurs) i got a litle glimpse on the importance of recruiting soldiersand the diferences beteween elite soldiers regular soldiers and warriors

the warriors are "fanatics" willing to go the extra mile, thanks to the way the mini batles are set the warriors are the one´s that are here at 6 am just to win a mini batle

the soldiers are distinguished by strenght but in real life besides their strenghts there´s also the equipment they wear

the current military module does not reflect the importance of the soldiering equipment so i devided a litle schem of things so the rest of the comunity can share or disaprove of my points of view

for offenssive we would need javelins/darts (q1) spears (q2) swords (q3) maces/iron clubs (q4) pikes/lances (q5)

all of the above require iron to produce and it keeps the current military sistem but now comes the changes

the hability to buy a horse (durability of the horse is up to anyone guess) and that horse would give an extra 100% to the attacker

ofc to "produce" a horse one would need grain instead of iron

now how come this is any diferent then adding just 1 other bonus ?

well as true medieval knights or or roman legionaire or greek hoplite or hellenic hetaroi (whatever is your favourite role to roleplay in antiquity) we need shields we need armour and greaves and helmets and boots and arm bracers and the all lot

but what would those extra equipments provide you ask? well lets imagine the most basic equipment for any soldier a shield it would give 2 basic protection points when going into combat wich means when we fighted we would only loose 8 health points how many times we could use a shield would depend on it´s quality

boots helmet would give 10% protection and a full body armour would give 30% protection

this is imho the best way to rebalance the economy

just putting it out there to see how it feels for the rest of you and get some feedback

best regards