We must not bow!

Day 3,038, 08:17 Published in Ireland Philippines by Johannes Cauf
Sons and Daughters of Ireland!

Hear this reporter's call for Justice and freedom. Already our brave brothers and sisters from the Irish Army and numerous other paramilitary organizations have once again begun the Irish bid for freedom and sovereignty, for the handing over of control of Ireland to us! The Irish people

I say, it is time our war machine stop dawdling it is time we rolled over the Lithuanian Dogs like fleas! Our bid of freedom has begun, we must not waver we must not stop

for every victory against a Lithuanian soldier,Ireland herself wakes from her slumber and soon we will shake off the Lithuanian Dogs from our homeland.

Freedom,Victory and Liberty! let these words echo across the waves! And finally we will have an Ireland for the Irish!

Report made by: Johannes Cauf's brother thru his brother's account