VVV- Panda Canada -VVV

Day 611, 00:51 Published in Canada Canada by TaiwanPanda
~~ !!! Canadian Weapons !!! ~~

_________________ Credits to Coda

Wait for orders, DONT FIGHT in OREGON !!!


Want Free Guns? Go HERE

~~~****~~~SPECIAL SHOUT OUT~~~****~~~

This shout out is to EVERYONE 🙂

~~~***~~~***~~~***~~~*~ ~~ ***~~~***~~~***~~~

What we have done so far:
-Dealt 25 000 Damage in Quebec
-Helped 5 elite tanks that are Canadian
-Hired a elite tank squad
-Help lowered prices on the market, Q1 guns went from 7CAD to 5.5CAD after I started this operation
-Server over 200 Customers!

Subscribe and Vote now! For Updates/Promotions and Daily Giveaways!

News: Q5 weapons on sale. Houses on sale
Trying to find Cheap Iron for the Canadian market

ALL PROFITS will be donated to help eCanada war effort
Its a win-win situation for you, and for eCanada!

Vote this up to help other Canadians save money!

NEW CONTEST: Think of a new contest for me and the winner of the idea will receive Free weapons! For now the contest is vote for me in Yukon, lucky number 7 to vote for me gets a special prize! ... lol is this legal?

I am very reliable and trusted. check previous comments and posts. Click the previous post button. Also this is Jacobi Approved!
Sometimes I dig into my OWN pockets to help pay for instant shipment of products. So there is no profiteering. That's bad during war!

If you need your weapon ASAP, send me a pm of your order first, THEN donate me the money. The next time I'm on, I'll give your requested weapon asap!

Price will be stable through out the World War III
Get them here by PM me a message of your orders.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ MENU ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Selling Q1 weapons for 0.15= 5CAD (Save 0.75CAD)
Selling Q2 weapons for 0.4G = 12.5 CAD (Save 0.5CAD)
Selling Q3 weapons for 0.55G = 17.5 CAD (save 2.5CAD)
Selling Q4 weapons for 1.0G = 30 CAD (save 5 CAD)
Selling Q5 Weapons for 1.4G = 45CAD (Save 0.2G! or 5CAD! )

Buy 4 Q5 for 5G (1.25G each!)

Would you like fries with that sir? French Fries? or French Toast? >😃


Why Over pay for Houses when you can Buy it here?!

Q1= 4G
Q3= 18G (Save 2G)
Q4 = 30G (Save 2.75G=85CAD! )
Q5= 40G (Save 3G! ZOMG )

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Calculate yourself, this page is cheaper than current market prices! Go Check 😃
Accepting trades in GOLD and CAD (With the exception of promotion offers)

(Canada Win!)

For Canada! The True North Strong and Free


-Congressman of PEI (We did get her back, now lets defend her!) PEI gone =[
- Vote for me in Yukon!