VVV- Canada Forever - VVV

Day 625, 13:46 Published in France Canada by TaiwanPanda



We will be victorious. For Honour For Courage For Canada

~~~****~~~****~~~ CANADA ~~~****~~~****~~~

Canada has fallen. A country that fought for freedom and democracy
A moment of silence please.

One of the most epic battles ever fought in history. 30hour of non-stop action.
Sadly in the end the results where not the ones we were looking for.

Even though Canada is no more, our spirit and voice will continue to live on.
The Canadian Flag flying on your Citizen will be the symbol of honour and courage. It will be your medal of bravery that you fought in this war.
Canada fought till the end. We never gave up, freedom is worth sacrificing at a time like this

We are the 300 Spartans of this era. We gave our lives for the freemen around the world.
And our time will come, until then we will lurk in the shadows ... waiting for the right moment

SUBSCRIBE NOW! *points to the top right hand side*

~~~***~~~***~~~***~~~***~~~* **~~~***~~~

Accomplishments :
-Dealt 25 000 Damage in Quebec
-Sponsored half a dozen of Canadian Tanks that are World Famous
-Hired an Elite tank squad
-Help lowered prices on the market, I'm always selling the cheapest Q1 guns on the market
-Served over 250 Customers!

For Canada! The True North Strong and Free


-Congressman of Yukon

P.S. I love french Toast ... Do you? 😉