UKPP Options

Day 525, 16:57 Published in South Korea United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Agenda for UKPP Conference.

Each issue will be raised and discussed prior to voting. At the end of each section there will be a 'questions from the floor' period for party members to raise additonal concerns, questions or highlights points not in the Agenda for that section.

Following this there will be a short 10-15 minute break before continuing with the next section.

In-game laws

1.Taxation policy
Postal balloting has been initiated (via UKPP meeting message) and the results of this will be presented to the conference where all attendees can then vote on option A, B or C with the majority deciding policy in this area.

What tax level would you like to see adopted?
a) Low Taxes across the board on everything.
b) Low income and VAT taxes but high import taxes to keep foreign companies from flooding our markets and crushing our wages, native industry and making off with our GBP.
c) Allowing the Minister of Finance to decide on tax rates as appropiate.

2.Allies and MPPs
Postal balloting has been initiated (via UKPP meeting message) and the results of this will be presented to the conference where all attendees can then add their preferences to determine who we like and hate.

3. Minimum wage
The actual minimimum wage in the eUK is £20 to £30 per day the only ones who go below this figure to our legal minimum wage are communes/MUs.

Increasing the minimum wage offers limited financial benifits to eUK gov (assuming low income tax levels) to the order of a few thousand GBP per month.

The communes will complain that they are no longer able to supply as many goods as before to members and therfore we are shortchanging swathes of the population.

However, the money isn't be squirreled away it is instead going to to the commune worker and indeed the private worker and they are no longer 100% beholden to the MU as they will have some disposable income to spend as they wish, invest, hoard or even return to the MU for the 'missing supplies' if they want.

A) No Change = Easier life for MU funders who can exert dependency on their largesse.

b) Change to £10 = Increased freedom of choice for the worker, more money to Gov.

There is also the potential for a National Army MU to offer better supplies then private MU as they have tax revenues as an extra source of funding.

4.Donation laws
Depends on UKPP policies as to what we'd expect congressmen and congresswomen to vote for and against.

Current funding is to provide the nation with
A) MPPs - So would depend on point 2, who we like and hate.
b) Funding on Social Programs - Would depend on wheter the social programs are availble to all which in turn depends on wheter we insist that applications can be made in-game and not solely on the forums or IRC?
C) Funding the National Army - Is UKPP for a national army, no MU funding or private MU funding?

5.Natural Enemy
The game changes fast and who we war with is not entirely dependent on us therefore UKPP Congressmen and women should be allowed to freely vote on such laws.

However the party could attach clauses such as;
A) No UKPP member shall propose a Natural Enemy.
b) No UKPP member shall vote to start a war (eUK proposing first NE).
C) " " " " " " against (e.g) France, Ireland, Poland, Macedonia etc...etc...

6. Citizenship
Under current circumstances the choices are;
A) Kowtow totally to Keers/Polish decisions on CS
b) Congressmembers are free to decide on their passes and may seek guidance from other sources (even if such sources are Keers)
C) Congressmembers are forbidden from surrendering their rights to Keers.

Assuming we reject having CS rights stripped from us then we have to decide what future state we wish to adopt;

😵 Retain a CS Czar but replace Keers with someone who is actually wearing the eUK flag (even if its Moir)
Y) Reform the CS commitee in co-operation with other parties
Z) Reject any external imposition and have our congressmembers decide however they want.

7. Impeachment
The CP has been elected by the nation and therefore has a greater mandate then congressmembers and impeaching a CP without cause would seem to be telling eUK voters that "we ignore your vote".

We might not personnaly like the CP and he or she might be godawful but democracy put them in that slot and we should not try short change, ignore or dismiss the decision taken by the populace lightly.

A) Congressmembers can freely decide how to vote and can even ask for impeachment (Anarchy)
b) Congressmembers can freely decide how to vote but shall not start impeachment proceedings. (liberty)
C) Congressmembers shall only impeach a CP if they are inactive, Stealing from the nation or they have requested an impeachment. (democracy)

UKPP Affairs

Dental Corps
Proposal that the party supports the below statement;

"The Royal Navy remains the MU of the UKPP and continues to enjoy primary funding and supplies in return for performing ATO work for the party.

The Dental Corps whilst enjoying a high number of UKPPers in its ranks is just another MU much like Vanguard, 7th Cav and Liberty and will be treated as such.

The food program is mature enough that from next weekend that UKPPers in that MU can be included in the UKPP Food program pending a chat about distribution with a representative from that MU.

Like other private MU's they are not expected, required nor will they be asked to take part in ATO or other party operations just that recipients qualify as members of the UKPP."

Congress Elections
The party will be adopting a points list to rank applicants. They will receive either 1 point or 0 points for each applicable category.

Those that group together on a tied number of points will be seperated by the PP based on his or her preference.

Possible categories;
1. Is part of the UKPP supply system either as a donator or producer.
2. Is part of the UKPP postal system (to be expanded beyond Alfa at later date)
3. Is active in the Media (has produced an article since PP elections)
4. Is member of RN (concession for ATO work)
5. Has applied to run the previous month but did not get elected.
6. Has replied to a postal ballot (democratically active)

and any other the conference wishes to adopt?

As the proposer and the player in charge of the list Alfagrem is (and willingly concedes) not to run for congress.

CP elections
The weekly party message will be sent prior to CP election telling all members of the coming election and asking them to reply if they wish to run for CP by a set date.

Option A) Whilst this is happening other parties will be selecting candidates and perhaps canvassing for UKPP support. The PP may in consulation with UKPP congressmembers choose to add the name of a player from another party to the ballot.

The postal Ballot will then take place listing all candidates and the player with most votes tallied will become the UKPP nominee for Country President.

ATO work
In the parties early days the RN saw off the threat of potential PTO's from lulz and oldfag candidates to the point where we became relativly immune from such action.

The emergence of more parties following in our 'reformist' wake has increased tensions once more and the old threats we used to see directed at us are now directed against what they perceive as the whole 'challenger' movement.

The intention therefore is to re-activate the RNs primary role as an ATO force to protect our intrest. It is for the conference to decide on what our intrest are?

a) ATO of UKPP only (isolation)
b) ATO of all parties upon request and where such action would not endanger UKPP (democracy)
c) ATO assistance to those parties deemed essential by the PP to furthering the goals of national reform.
d) Active, counter-ATO (Physical threat of PTO) to those that advocate PTOing our party
e) Active, counter-ATO (Physical threat of PTO) to those that advocate PTOing of parties that we deem essential to the goal of national reform.

eUK Affairs

The oldfag/traditional/national forums
Well we've been beating this drum for a year now and only recently did the forum team decide to discuss the issue.

The forum users and mods discussed it in a thread an they found that there was nothing wrong with the forums and that they were indeed excellent at everything!

As there will nver be a change here we are left with limited options;
a) Cave and submit to their laws, punishments, judgements, whims, attacks and discrimination.

In return we can use their forums to organise our party (which they can spy on) and discuss other minor eUK changes/shuffle the deckchairs on the titanic and we can join in the fantasy that we are all a happy-clappy bunch and then we can join in the attacks on other parties that dare disrupt the order of things.

b) Stay in limbo as we currently are doing

c) Explore the option of establishing a new forum in cooperation with other parties that unlike our UKPP forum will be open to everyone and be a 'national' forum in its own right.

The Coalition
Recent talks have been underway between those parties unsatisfied with the state of the nation.

This 'Coalition' tentativly consists of PCP, NE and UKPP and assumes that we would pool our electoral and political resources to overpower the oldguard and be in a position to carryout reforms with an in-game mandate of power.

There are minor concerns raised about our partners goals conflicting with our own views on policy such as;

PCP - Will not work with Sir Nick. They find our elected president to be undesirable and wish for us to either change our PP or have him change his name. (interference with UKPP business)

NE - We're not sure what their direction is and wheter Goku's policies are NE policies or wheter NE have another agenda?

They have started a Polish NE party! Would we be swapping Polish Keers control of CS for Polish NE control of larger segments of the state?

Talks with DonDapper also indicate that he favours using taxpayer cash to subsidise Private MU's an issue that was in stark opposition to one of UKPP's fundamental policies (see below)

However there was a meeting earlier attended by Kamoris so we turn the floor over to him prior to questions and a decision on wheter and in what shape we should 'Coalate'


National Army or Private MU's
Whilst this might of been touched on in the previous agenda point.

UKPP policy used to state strongly that the party was pro-National Army. The reasons for this were;

Support for a cross-party institution.
A desire to avoid party conflicts about allocation of funds between party MU's.
The fact that a national MU can be stronger then a private MU if run properly (imagine RN if we had access to the treasury!)

These reasons still hold true today and whilst it is feasible to nationally fund MU's we do have to consider wheter the gov that has failed us so far is actually capable of gathering the data in a fair and impartial manner to properly allocate funding.

I therefore propose we support the statement
"The UKPP supports the exsistence of a national army and is opposed to the scrapping of such an institution, its related companies and will strongly oppose any funding of private MU's."

Co-operation with the traditional government
On a number of occasions the UKPP has found itself internally torn over the issue of collaborating with TUP/Oldfag governments.

They have made a virtual habit out of seducing UKPP members with promises of awards and recognition or just planted one of their own in the party so that they can claim that they run a unified government including UKPP members when in reality all they haven't got a UKPPer they got a douche.

The proposal therefore is;
"UKPP congress members are free to associate however they wish to best carry out their jobs but must be mindful of UKPP policy when required to vote."

We can't force a congressmember to press certain buttons we only ask that they bear in mind the wishes of those that voted for them.

"Any UKPP member is free to take a position in government but they do so as a private citizen, not a member of the party.

They are not required to leave the party but it should be known that acceptance of any positions is not indicative of UKPP support for the government nor will the players position be used by the party to influence government."

Will stop TUP claims of 'unity' and as they also claim they choose the person and not the party then the lack of party recognition of the members position should not be a handicap to their progression into Government.