Truth is daring…

Day 2,134, 00:03 Published in India India by Asmitatheone

Disclaimer: Everything on my truth series is my personal opinion and not that of my eGoverment.

As Edgar Allan Poe sai😛
Deep into that darkness peering,
Long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams
No mortal ever dared to dream before.

I guess eIndia made that mistake. The mistake of dreaming, doubting, wondering!! And as I type this out, we are being beaten up, by Croatia, yet again! Are we surprised this time? No, I don’t think so. In fact, we were expecting it.
But for a little while let’s take a path well traveled. You can say I have had a change of heart! So many respectable and honorable players commented on my articles and said so much, maybe I have started believing!
Maybe, Serbia is the bad demon, indeed. And we have possibly made a mistake taking their side. Croatia is the white knight in this story. Albania actually is not the bad guy! It is here to help us. As incredulous it sounds, I starting to believe it.

By the way, on the way to blasting out our occupiers, we have been talking about Albania, BiH and Croatia, the so called ABC. We have so missed the other ‘C’. The one we have had on our regions for ages. Yes, my friends, I am talking about China. They have North Eastern India, and have been enjoying the fruits of it for ages now. No rent, nothing.
India has spoken a few times about rent, but never really pushed it. I wonder why? It has been from the time we were Pro-EDEN.
We didn’t quit EDEN for that reason, did we? We didn’t try to get CoT to help liberate the region. We haven’t moved from CoT for that reason either! We didn’t get the Serbians to help us free it. I wonder why?
China in turn wasn’t very worried about us getting CoT support to wipe them out I suppose. They didn't come out and wipe us, whereas that would have been easier for them I suppose. In fact, if my memory serves me right, Atra even agreed for a MPP with us when we were wiped. I wonder why?
Maybe because, China in spite of all language barriers, understands the meaning of honor? Maybe because, they are not very greedy? Maybe because they knew India wouldn’t really try to get to them. Maybe because they still respect us!
Now wait a minute, it wasn’t my intention to draw contrasts. I don’t really want to be comparing China with Croatia, maybe that would be demeaning China way too much. My point is, if you need our help, India will always stand by you. If you level with us, we level with you. Trust you! But can the Indians be trusted? Can Croatia trust us?
Well apparently not! Croatia is out to wipe us again. Maybe India will get Serbians to AS and then wipe them, that is what they fear. My Croatian friends, do you really think India is that important to Serbia? Well, you kept on tell us that they are using us. They are taking out their anger of BiH by wiping them and India is just a co-incidence. Then you still think they will spend money and effort to fly down here. Are they so angry with you? You have been telling us that its in Serbia's interest to keep you in India, away from Balkans. Still you are wetting your pants in fear!?! Really?? Or would it be another of your running lies?
Again, if they are, are they coming to free India? How come they are not coming or even helping or even planning to help us to get rid of China from NEI region? Ask yourselves that question.

What Arrlo is doing now, is justified, I guess. I can’t really say things against his action. India was given a region in alms for the congress. Arrlo was making right all the wrong they have had done. And India broke that trust. He is doing the right thing by punishing India. That is the right thing to do Arrlo. I for one support you. I would have done the same thing in your position.
Well Croatia did the same thing. Gave us their word and then broke it. Alas! We did not punish them. In fact, we could not punish them. We kept on trusting them. But the one time we did manage to punish them, by wiping BiH, we are wrong. I wish Arrlo would stand up and accept that it was also the right path for India.

Well, at my age, I guess, I spend a lot of time and tend to delve into history too much. Croatia and Albania came to India to that they can have congress. So that after Congressless period, they had to retain their people, they gave them the congress. When they didn’t have money we waived off their rent. So Congress was the real reason for coming to Asia, my Albanian and Croatian friends, do you at all remember it? Or has your hunger for greed and blatant display of power managed to take over your sensible brain!

So Albania and Croatia, if you have the guts and b*lls, I dare you. I dare you to propose a deal to keep only 2 regions each. Only for congress. And give up the rest to India. You do that and see how India behaves. Of course, you have the ability to take back the regions with your might if India goes back on it word, right? We have our history with China to prove our credentials. But do you dare?
But do you have the honor to do that? Can you even bring that up for discussion in countries? Do you figure you will be impeached if you try? Think about it, my honorable friends. And then maybe check the dictionary. Wouldn’t this action be termed as hypocrisy?

In conclusion, as my title suggests: Truth is daring….truth is indeed daring you. Take up the challenge. Prove your honor. We might not have the damage to fight you. We might not have the support to fight you. Trust me, if you fight with honor, you will lose every time. I dare you take up the challenge….

And for my friend Arrlo, I have this line by Cecil Beaton:
Be daring, be different, be impractical,
Be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision
Against the play-it-safers, the creatures of the commonplace,
The slaves of the ordinary.

For all my Croatian Brothers and Sisters:
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.