Day 2,603, 16:25 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988
Questions what everybody fears to ask.
Questions about difficult issues, awkward problems.
Questions which need to be answered.

The Fox News's first guest in the QUESTION TIME is the man, who is elected as a new president: Tom Kafir

He accepted the challenge, but did he overcome it? It's turn out soon.

Welcome you Mr. President, in the Question Time.

Mr. President, you became a presidential candidate in a more peaceful time. Since then everything has changed. As we see, nobody has counted with a so fatal war like this.
Whole Israel waits solution from you. It is a bit greater responsibility than as it could had been expected.

Didn't you regret to run this election?

No, I don't regret running this election. What it comes down to is me wanting the best for Israel, and this term I believe I can try and give it my best, even if we are at the state of war.

In addition, it makes for a more interesting term starting from a position of being wiped, and offers some sort of a challenge, and I can't say no to a challenge 😃.
As you said, your term is started in a deep crisis. You were the minister of the Foreign Affairs. Don't you think, you have part of that this conflict could evolve to this level? What do you think? What is the reason of this war, who is responsible for it?

We had a Non agression pact deal with Cyprus, and then new congress came along and we asked Cyprus if they want a training war, they declined so we started looking into other options, they claim that the Natural Enemy proposal was a troll proposal, some Israeli woke up and saw Cyprus had proposed Israel as Natural Enemy, and its 16-7, seeing that is way over 50% he proposed an Natural Enemy of our own so we will at least have the dmg buff for a chance to fight them, Cyprus claims that when ours was proposed and had a majority they couldn't decline their proposal making it not troll and them attacking us.

Maybe it was a troll and it was just our mistake that led to this situation, but theres no point looking in the past we need to try and make the most of what we have and get out of this invasion, on friendly terms with Cyprus hopefully.

Was it really a troll action? Whether it's true or not, their war is not just a troll action, it is called now invasion.

The world's eyes on you, If you fail, our nation fails as well. You did not say too much about your plan during the campaign. I think the voters gave you a blank check. So the time has come to answer and fill it in. What will be your first action? How could you solve the crisis?

The plan is to try and talk with the new Cyprus country president and negotiate the terms for us to get our country back, the old government already started doing it but because of the elections couldn't get to an agreement.

I would say more about the plan of releasing our regions but I don't want to promise anything I cant keep. We will see tomorrow how the talks with the new Cyprus CP go and make an announcement based on that.
I'm willing to take action if we cant strike a deal with Cyprus, don't worry about that.

Do you believe in cypriot president's explanation regarding of the war reasons? It is not inconceivable that we did not notice the signs. It seems, the citizens of Cyprus support the war.

I believe the explanation as you can see by the last few laws they made they have a lot of Natural Enemy troll proposals that get to 14/13 votes and then get shot down, and of course trolls would support the war. Also they might be using the war like we are to fight and try and get new players to the country.

There is a huge chance that we will be eliminated even though you have a good crisis program. Do you have a plan B or it could happen, that resistance is to be organised?

Yes I have a plan B in my mind, but as the name implies its always better to keep plan B as a last chance and not reveal it right now.

We are not alone, however we do not have any unquestionably honest, powerful friends who could help us, if we are in trouble. What prospects are there in foreign policy? How can these trends be changed?

We have LETO, the alliance we are in, we have Asteria the alliance leto supports that are very close to it, and more specifically we have the Greeks to help us.

Ofc the rest of Asteria can help us to, like the Argentinians and Brazilians.

(Anyway we are going to lose despite of we are in Leto by rufus198😎

I know you are not a prophet, but we are curious, especially in these hopeless days. What future do you imagine to Israel?

Well, I see a bright future ahead, I imagine a country filled with active old and new players, and Israelis and Foreigners communicating and not fighting. Its not going to be easy to bring new players and to make them accept the fact that not everyone in e-Israel speaks Hebrew, but if we accomplish that even if we stay conquered we still made massive progress.

Ofc I don't imagine Israel staying off the map for long, I hope we can make a quick recovery and have a full congress in time.

Thank you Mr. President
I wish you good luck, to your next term.

Did the new president overcame the challange? It is up to you.
I give him 10/7.5

It was the Question Time with Rufus1988