the time of the freeman is uppon us - wall of text with a sum up

Day 1,155, 08:45 Published in Germany Germany by moonburn

archeologists and historians say that the time of the freeman is a time before the roman encroached on the barbarian world in europe forcing it to have societal changes wich made the "barbaroii" (those who do not spoke or wrote latin or greek) change their society into one where permanent warriors where required wich drove the barbarians of germany and greater keltika into a pre-feudalism type of society where a warchief would try and collect around him the better men of society who could afford decent armour and decent weapons

why such a geeky intruduction ? well before the need for standing army´s most society´s where free they had a kind of elected chief and the only real power laid in the hands of the councils of the better men wich was normally guided or attended by the religious part of society the men of the tribe could refuse to go to "war" and therefore only the young men of a tribe went to those wars wich where nothing more then catle raids to try and steal catles from the next village (much like what happens in many parts of sub saharan africa altough even those society´s saw allot of changes with the introduction of guns and authomatic machine guns wich made what was perhaps a kind of recreation for the younger people to teach them to become man become a deadly affair)

with the recent changes into the economical module and partoculary the work as manager feature i believe that erepublik is now at a society level similar to early rome or the barbarians before the late roman republic (the post 2nd punic war rome) started to medle in their affairs

what does this means ? it means we/germany can now field a decent militia army according to our needs and the soldiers can be recruited from the landowners as we need them

now what are the landowners ? well anyone who as 20 gold can now have a grain/iron/oil company and increase their daily income by around 20 dem give or take for each company they have for the simple priçe of 10 health a day

this means that our citizens more then ever have the hability to sustain themselfs economically wich as it shows in konrad neummann (the red) article it´s a kind of freedom from want

what does this means for society ? well basically people with half a brain who can save money/dem can save up enough to buy their plot of land and produce raw materials at cheaper priçes while increasing their income so they´ll have cheaper weapons (because raw´s will drop in priçe as more and more people create more and more raw companies) and they´ll have more cahs to buy those same cheaper weapons and cheaper breads

so why am i writting this article ? i think it´s important to tell people that they should start saving to buy their raw material companies and at the same time try and tell the congress that it´s time to close down our raw material markets to outsiders (particulary the dirty sweadish with their oil companies)

as the economy continues to change so will the structure of our economy and the redistribution of wealth
we finally got a shoot at creating a true midleclass in erepublik with the owners of the raw companies
this means that most of our raw production will be (around 80😵 suplyed by free men and with perhaps as much as 5 companies with workers for every 1000 citizens so the raw priçes will drop since it shoudl be a almost perfect competition model in the raw industry if the germans are well informed and all create their own plots of land producing oil iron or grain
that also means that almost everyone will have to change and start working in manufacturing (including those who produce raws) so more competition means lower wages wich ofc might seem bad at the start but those lower wages will be reflected in yet another lower of the manufacturing goods (+ an increase in export wich is what makes germany one of the greatest in rl) such as weapons and particulary bread and in a lesser extent houses and moving tickets so there´s a bright future for germany and for us as a society if we play our cards well

hope this sheds some lights on how i see the changes affecting the game in the long run

for the TL/DR people.

- invest now in companies of raw materials, and demand congress to close our raw markets
- you can have more then 1 grain company just create an iron company and migrate it to grain (or vice versa) the same can be applyed to oil
- raws always gives a profit manufacturing not always so go for raws it´s a sure daily income (beteween 14-40 dems a day depending on the market and the day)
- investing in manufacturing to work as manager will not be so cost effective in the long run
- eventually all the raw and q1 markets will be controled by the small landowners and litle merchants so if you got alot of gold better go for higher quality products if you wish to invest or go for a combo of raw companies (I REPEAT YOU CAN HAVE MORE THEN 1 GRAIN COMPANY IRON OR OIL IF YOU USE MIGRATION)

and finally more then ever you´re responsable for your own future blaming it on the old people the goverment the polish or whatever just shows your a weakminded fool everyone can save up 20 gold or collect it easily all it takes is a bit of work

P.S: working as a manager is good however be carefull since more then 10 companies means you will earn around 200/400 dem a day but your hability to fight will be severly hampered since working as manager still as a health cost that atm with the way our society is composed doesn´t seem much but too much of a good thing can have the undesired effect that all your health will be spent working and thus reduce our hability to wage war and defend our vaterland sucefully (i´ve noticed this recently when before i could pull 40.000 damage + a day and nowaydays due to working as a manager i can make around 34.000 only on food fights ofc i got a q5 haus wich helps but doesn´t solve the issue)

on a final note houses will be removed from the game the way as it will be done i suspect is the closing and suspension of house companies and the administrators will just wait for all the houses to loose their durability so investing in an house atm might not be a bad deal

i hope this wall of text is inteligable and i do not claim to know everything this is just showing my point of view on how these changes if maintained will affect our society and it´s structuration