The Good The Bad The Ugly

Day 1,601, 15:19 Published in USA USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA
Good evening eCitizens of the world

Tonight as usually I greet you with deep respect regardless of your nationality, belief, and identity. To be Human is enough gauge to respect each other, isn't it ?
Well, you know I don't like to write about game so much, even if I do it generally that preserves kinda real facilities.
My first personal goal was to assist Inci when I joined this game. Big possibilty you guys have no information about Inci that what actually it is. We are kind of Bad boys who aren't much welcomed in any platform including real life, because Inci doesn't like usual and ordinary things, powerful and prejudice.
So, If you wonder why we have no actual homeland in this game there you may find some hints through reading the shitty sentences i wrote above once more.
I want to take your attention at a different stage now.
Just take a stare around of you right here, right now; What do you see ? let us know your observations in the comments please.
I may share my personal ones.
Hate speech, racism, alienate, envy and things like that. Don't you see the mechanism getting fed of those feelings ? That mechanic grinds your feelings and form it into a new level: €.
Dear guys, you cannot prove anything through this platform except feeding the exploitative mechanic.
For example: You cannot be Caledonia citizen (or Caledon) unless being Scottish.
You cannot prove that you're a smart person as long as you press the fight button.
This is a platform where you can meet people and make friends that you shall not have much chance to be able to do in real. If then, why don't you use this chance ? why don't you try to communicate ?
If you aree contacting to 'foreigners' only by fighting under articles you are doing it wrong.
The thing that you belong to is not always the best, because every human being seperated from one point long before and the branches of the tree seperated. Have you ever seen a completed puzzle what has got spaces ?

Past is passed Tomorrow will be shaped according Today.
