The Eagle Attacks!!! Will the Eagle be merciful??

Day 645, 13:05 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

I have to say the events of these last few days have been exciting. Our leaders in a bold move decided to attack rather than let the "Global Community" have the option of wiping us out before election day. Since then we have been rocking and rolling. Let's push these invaders all the way back into the Pacific. After that let's push the Portuguese into the Atlantic. Then we can deal with the Russians.

After we regain our lands comes in my opinion the hard part. We must consolidate what we are regaining. By this I mean we must rebuild our economy, and we must help our allies to regain what they have lost in their loyal and gallant defense of us the eUSA. The hard part comes after that though. It is my belief that this war if it drags on will continue to see-saw back and forth. When we have regained our lands and the lands of our salwart allies we must seek out our enemies in order to draw this conflict to a close.

We have seen first hand how quickly the tables can turn in a war of conquest. We are in the process of rolling our enemies up like a rug. Nations wake up and take a hard look at their mistakes, selfishness, and other misdeeds. They put out a call to their citizens to keep fighting and their citizens respond. Just look at what eSpain and eCanada are doing. Wiped from the map they refused to settle in as citizens of their conqueror's nations and rose up. It is again my belief that no occupation of another sovereign nation can last long in eRepublic.

So let us reclaim what we have lost, remember what we have learned, and be there for our faithful allies, and call it a day. With the possible exception of the British nothing is to be gained by attempting to exact retribution on our enemies and pursuing the war on their soil.