The Complex - My EZC Appreciation

Day 2,876, 20:15 Published in USA Japan by ForgottenCrow

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Readers,

So over the past week or so, I have been being a lot more active in the media with articles about Easy Company and other such topics in relation to the military unit I'm apart of. So with that being said, I think its high time I show my appreciation to all the members of Easy Company by giving an article showing my appreciation.

With that being said, I want to thank both the leaders and members of EZC for their hard work and dedication. Being said, I would like to offer each member of EZC 5 Q7 Tanks and 15 Q5 Food as a form of showing my appreciation and hope to see the continuation of hard work and dedication.

For without all of you, EZC wouldn't be what it is today... One of the best out there.

Can I see the support with a proud and full heartened CHURRAEE!!!

Thank You,
~Only truth may transcend greater heights of the complexity in which delivers a stronger individual.